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subject: How To Make Money Online Fast Are You A Naive Beginner? [print this page]

Everyone wants to learn how to make money online fast. This is the number one reason why so many people lost their money buying into scams that simply doesn't work.

If you are one of those people, don't feel too bad about it. Almost everyone start out on the Internet this way. So do I. There is nothing wrong with being a naive beginner. I used to be one too!

The truth is, it is definitely possible to make money online fast, but the person who is able to do so is definitely not a newbie. You need to become an expert in what you do before you can make money online fast.

If you are an absolute newbie, please forget about it. Don't even think of making money online fast. It will only lead you to buy programs that doesn't work. Programs that give you hope but make you poorer at the end of the day.

Some money making programs will tell you that you just need 1 to 2 hours per day to make a lot of money.

Well, my advice to you is to run away. Yes, you can certainly reach the stage of just working 1 to 2 hours per day. However, that will only happen after you have build a very efficient system that works for you.

From my experience, I know that people who keep on chasing fast money will end up nowhere. The sad thing is, 5 years later, they will still be miserable and sad.

Your time is precious. Put your time to good use. Use the time to learn real useful skill.

What skill do you lack?

Do you know how to put up a simple website?

No? Then why not spend a few hours of your time learning how to do it? A website that you spend a few hours or even a few days to create will make you money for a long time to come? Are you aware of that?

Stop chasing fast money. Few people will tell you the truth. But it is better to face the fact than to chase illusion for years.

by: James Jin

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