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subject: If you are taking a trip to Mexico its time to learn Mexican Spanish [print this page]

If you are taking a trip to Mexico its time to learn Mexican Spanish

When planning a trip to Mexico, one of the first questions people often ask is if they should learn a "Mexican version" of Spanish. Well, is there a difference between Mexican and European Spanish, and, if so, what is it? I first asked that question when I heard the word "castellano", a term used to describe the language spoken specifically in Spain. I soon learned that there was also espaol, the Spanish spoken in Mexico. How much of a difference is there between the two? Actually, there is a significant one! It's mostly a phonetic difference, but there are several words you will commonly hear in Mexico that are simply not used anymore in Spain. Also, you can embellish a word by using suffixes in Mexico, something that you won't hear in Spain. For example, you can add "isimo" to the end of the word to exaggerate it a bit, such as "grandisimo" instead of just "grande". Actually, Mexican Spanish speakers even double that, such as "grandisisimo". Is there a limit to the "isimo"s? I don't know! Of course, the most important thing to do if you're traveling to Mexico is to learn basic Spanish. If you can speak regular Spanish fairly well, then you're likely to be understood no matter what Spanish-speaking country you're in at the time. If you have no knowledge of Spanish whatsoever and are a complete beginner, and especially if you don't have long before your trip, consider purchasing a good Spanish learning software. Software, more than any other type of Spanish tutorial, has different components that help immerse you in the language and give you a good conversational understanding quickly. Once you've mastered some basic Spanish, how do you begin to learn the specific words and styles that make up Mexican Spanish? The first step is to purchase a good "slang" dictionary, like the Alternative Spanish dictionary. This will teach you the common slang Spanish used in Mexico and Latin America as well as help you understand when and where to use it. The next step is to learn about the culture in Mexico. There is a wealth of information available online. Between being familiar with the culture and having knowledge of the right terminology and style, you'll fit in right away! Obviously, the final step is to keep practicing! Before you know it, you'll be speaking nearly perfect Mexican Spanish. In fact, follow these steps and people may never know you're not a native! Learn Mexican Spanish and enjoy impressing native Mexicans with your skill.

If you are taking a trip to Mexico its time to learn Mexican Spanish

By: Kurt Sullivan

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