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subject: Balding Hair Doesn't Need to Be a Nuisance Any More - Heard of Minoxidil? [print this page]

Balding Hair Doesn't Need to Be a Nuisance Any More - Heard of Minoxidil?

Balding hair can be traumatic and can deteriorate self confidence. Don't let that happen to you. Prevent it before it gets worse. An FDA approved product on the market, Mioxidil, has been helping many men and women with the common problem. Loss of hair occurs differently in men and women. But it is traumatizing for both genders. Approximately 40% of hair loss sufferers are female. For women, hair is a component that attributes to beauty. Women are always fussing over the latest hairstyles, shopping for hair accessories, and spending large sums of money getting their hair done. A woman is told that she has gorgeous long hair and she goes on feeling beautiful because of her hair. Years later, she notices her hair starting to thin. It becomes more severe until her scalp starts becoming visible. Her confidence is shattered and she no longer feels beautiful. But it doesn't have to be this way. There is treatment. Balding hair can be caused by a number of different factors. Lifestyle, genetics, stress, trauma, and hormones are all at play. Minoxidil has proven to effectively treat cases like thinning hair and restoring confidence in both men and women. Minoxidil is safe and affordable. There is no need to spend thousands of dollars on surgery to restore hair. Male pattern baldness starts with a receding hairline. It starts at the forehead and works its way up. Pretty soon, people want to start checking their reflection on the top of your head. Prevent it before that occurs! Regain your hair and feel like the stud that you have always been. Minoxidil works by taking two pills a day, one in the morning and one at night. And the applicator is applied on the thinning area. This treatment is not for every one. Check with your doctor to see if Minoxidil is right for you. Like most medications, there may be some side effects. Let's face it. Not every one looks cool without hair. Some people can pull it off, but baldness is certainly not for every one. Guys like Bruce Willis and Michael Jordan might look great bald. It certainly may not be for you. Grow some hair, gain the confidence back, and feel younger. Try it today. You will be glad you did. For more information, check out the website. Minoxidil may be just what you have been looking for. Take control of your hair today.

Balding Hair Doesn't Need to Be a Nuisance Any More - Heard of Minoxidil?

By: John Farikani

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