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How to Write a Great Online Article

How to Write a Great Online Article

Whether you're writing for search engine optimization purposes, SEO blogs, for pleasure, or for social media marketing content, crafting a great online article must begin with effective research skills. It's not as simple as typing a few keywords or key-phrases into a search engine and rewording what you find. You have to be certain that your information sources are accurate, relevant, and from unbiased sources. This is especially important, as even the most finely wrought piece of writing can be rendered useless if it contains inaccuracies or personal prejudices. Additionally, your piece must be 100% unique, which means that appropriate references should be provided when necessary.

Article writing starts with conducting thorough research, but you can't compile that research without good note-taking skills. Some article writers prefer to copy key sentences from research materials and paste it into a notepad or MS Word document. However, it's often better to write notes out the old-fashioned way- on a piece of notebook paper. Countless studies have shown that when we write something, we remember it better, which means that we will have a stronger grasp of our material when we commence writing. Additionally, it's imperative that writers put research notes in their own words so that by the time the actual article writing process begins, your words and content are already quite far removed from their original source.

Notes for an online article should be listed on a page in order of importance and category or information type. Because a good SEM blog or SEO article addresses the who, what, where, why and how of any subject presented, notes can be entered into subsections belonging to those parts of the topic. This will help keep information in an easy to read, well-structured format- leading the way for the next step in online article writing.

Article Writing and Article Rewriting Using an Outline

Once you've collected your research and compiled it into notes that you can actually read and understand, the next step for an article writer or article rewriter is to build an outline that addresses the base of the article and its subsequent parts. Usually, this consists of a title, introduction with a thesis statement, a body, and a conclusion. Your outline should seek to fill in bits and pieces of what information will be presented in each section of the article. For instance, to craft this article, a very basic outline was created:

Title: How to Write a Great Online Article

i.) Introduction and thesis statement: What the article is about, and jump right into the first steps.

ii.) Body

Research- multiple sources, fact-check, cross reference

Note Taking- use paper, in your own words, key sentences in an organized format

Construct an Outline- Address all major points, fill in details in subsections

Write From the Outline- Use the base structure you've already created

iii.) Tips for Effective Writing- no clichs, write naturally, use calls-to-action

iv.) Summary and Conclusion

This entire article is written using the exact same techniques and practices listed here. That being the case, it should be apparent that the next step is to write from the outline that you create. This is a critical step, as not having an outline or straying from one you've created can cause you to lose focus and send the level of cohesion found in your article plummeting. Stick to the outline, and you'll find that your online articles will be well-written and follow an easily digestible, natural path.

When writing articles for local search engine optimization, syndication and submission sites, or for web content or print materials, it's important to maintain your focus in each paragraph. If every paragraph is focused and covers only one part of your overall topic, then the entire article will likely be well-constructed. Often article writers discuss a great deal of information in each paragraph because they are afraid to create a paragraph that is only a sentence or two long. However, very short paragraphs are a common, accepted practice and will help to reinforce the singular point of each paragraph topic.

Many online article writers find it difficult to make a distinction between writing the way one would speak and writing naturally. Writing is not the same as speaking- speaking is vastly more informal: for quick blog posts this might do- but it will most likely not suffice for article writing. Article writing seeks to convey information in a more professional format- even if the style is relaxed. This means that clichs and overused expressions should be avoided- you should be making a concerted effort to establish yourself as an expert in your article, not a chum from down the block.

The principle of writing naturally without writing how a person would speak is especially important for SEO purposes. Some of the best SEO writing and SEO web content in the industry is crafted by professionals that embed critical keywords by creating honest copy that only calls for those keywords in a natural way. This is a skill that comes with significant experience and is the hallmark of a good article writer and SEO expert. Search engine optimization that seems forced will likely be portrayed as a sales-pitch and discourage many readers.

Finally, make sure that you put a call to action in your online article. You don't have to be making an attempt to sell anything other than your idea or the information that you're presenting. In order to do this effectively, you need to summarize what you've written and compel the reader to take the next step. Using this particular SEO article, for example, you'll be summarily reminded that a good article is based on effective research and note-taking, is written from an organized outline, and provides closure that suggests the reader should take action by utilizing these steps in their next article writing or article rewriting project.

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