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subject: Volunteer Nursing In Africa - What Qualifications? [print this page]

Volunteer Nursing In Africa - What Qualifications?

Volunteer nursing in Africa is an opportunity to help those least able to help themselves. There are many opportunities across the country and many levels at which you can apply your talents. The big question for many is what kind of qualifications do volunteer nurses in Africa need?

People with internationally recognized nursing qualifications are highly valued professionals wherever you are in the world. However, if that's not you, don't think you aren't needed. In Africa there are volunteer opportunities for people of all skill levels. If you are a qualified nurse there will always be places for you. If you are a medical student volunteering in Africa there will be many places that would welcome you too. Equally there are chances for people with no recognized qualifications. If you have the character and the kindness of spirit, for many African volunteer projects you need nothing more. Certificates and diplomas can't take the place of a pair of willing hands.

There are many different places you can go. Volunteer nursing in Africa could take you to an orphanage in Kenya, a clinic in Cape Town, South Africa or to a hospital in Livingstone, Zambia - right by Victoria Falls.

If you have medical skills, or are currently undergoing medical training, then you can be a valuable member of the team under the supervision of the resident doctors and nurses at Kikuyu General Hospital in Nairobi. You will be equally valuable administering HIV tests in a clinic on the outskirts of Cape Town. Perhaps you would prefer to do home visits or help out at elderly persons residential center.

But if you're not qualified, please don't think that you can't be just as valuable as the qualified volunteer nurses in Africa.

You can be of use in almost exactly the same areas as qualified medical staff - you just won't be carrying out the same procedures. You will be what is called a medical or clinical assistant. Just as needed, just as valuable and, for you, just as rewarding an experience.

Volunteer nursing in Africa is a big field. Qualified or not you can provide invaluable help to people struggling to care for themselves or their families. This is work that changes lives. Theirs and yours.

by: Jeff Seams

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