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subject: Negotiating Debt Settlement- How to Win the Debt Battle [print this page]

Negotiating Debt Settlement- How to Win the Debt Battle

Being in debt can be a scary situation. Allowing debts to go unpaid can damage your credit, making it nearly impossible to get financed for anything.

If you allow a debt to go unpaid and be written off, you are looking at a negative mark on your credit for 7-10 years. For many people bankruptcy may seem like the only real option. Bankruptcy may help with your situation temporarily, but it will scar your credit rating for a decade. There is another option. Negotiating a debt settlement plan is an easy way to get out of the hole and start rebuilding.

Aurora Lillo Editor of the "Reputable Debt Settlement" website -- -- pointed out;

"...A creditor would much rather have you pay something on what you owe than see it fall to the wayside. Many people assume that the debt has to be paid in full, but this isn't true. A debt settlement will allow you to settle your outstanding debt for a percentage of what you actually owe. Since the creditor is obviously better off with you paying the full amount, this isn't heavily advertised. But, with the right steps, you can formulate a battle plan and reduce your debt by as much as 75%..."

The first thing you need to do is sit down and find a budget. You will need to know exactly how much you can apply towards the debt, and when. This needs to be sent to the creditor in writing. Many companies that extend credit will have a separate mailing address used specifically for settlement offers, so calling them up front to get that will help speed up the process. Keep copies of all your correspondence, and prepare to wait weeks, if not months, to get a response.

It's not uncommon for your first offer to be rejected. It's important to stay calm and not allow any anger or emotion come through in your second offer. It may take a few offers to get one that is accepted.

Once a settlement agreement has been reached, you will need to be sure you understand the terms of the agreement before you start writing checks. It's not uncommon for an offer to be accepted, but end up with an unrealistic deadline.

"...Debt settlement services can help you speed through the process seamlessly. Considering the amount of money you save with a settlement offer, the amount you spend on these services is nominal. They can help you formulate the best plan, save the money, and work directly with your creditors. Many people are much more comfortable with someone who is experienced helping them out..." added A. Lillo.

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