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Efusjon - Stop Chasing People & Get Leads Coming To You

Recruiting is the backbone of Efusjon. If you have an Efusjon business finding people interested in your product is a constant task. However, many new reps are intimidated by having to approach people about their product or the Efusjon business opportunity. It can be quite nerve racking approaching people you know, even daunting approaching people you don't know, trying to convince them they need what you have.

These styles of recruiting are commonly referred to as;

1. Your 'warm market' - approaching people you know and have already built a rapport and relationship with, like friends, family and work colleagues to share with them your new Efusjon discovery.

2. The '3 foot rule' - this method consists of striking up a conversation with anyone and everyone who comes within 3 feet of your personal space with the intent of offering your Efusjon product or business opportunity.
Efusjon - Stop Chasing People & Get Leads Coming To You

3. Finally, there is 'cold calling' - finding leads in the phone book, buying Efusjon leads and calling friends of friends.

These styles of recruiting are consistently endorsed by network marketing companies. Most associates have no clue on how to build an enterprise so they are forced to teach techniques that are very easy and simple for people to grasp and understand. But do they work? Absolutely, but statistically speaking, not for the vast majority.

Honestly, what happens, when your warm market runs out and the thought of having to approach strangers brings you out in a cold sweat? What happens if you go to do a 3 way call and your Efusjon upline doesn't answer? You may use these techniques and enroll 10 or even 20 people into your Efusjon business, but it also might take a year or two to make that happen. When we first started in our home business we only added 3 people a month using these methods. We soon learned that we had to have prospects approaching us or we would get nowhere.

If you're like most people reading this article you're on a different time-line and would rather be adding 10-20 people a week. Here's the good news, it is possible, you're Efusjon leaders and true marketers do that every single day!

When you're looking to grow a home based business and one to heights you've only dreamed about, you need to use techniques that will enable you to get exposure of your Efusjon products and services to the masses.

Some would say that if you don't have an outgoing personality and know lots of people then network marketing isn't for you. I disagree, with today's technology and the tools available a person who commits to their own personal development and marketing skills can do very well with their Efusjon business.

Growing an Efusjon business has absolutely nothing to do with the 3 techniques we've discussed above. There is a better way and a quicker way. By employing up-to-date tools and techniques we now have over 20 people a day coming to us for our products and services and we don't have to hound anyone or even leave the house!

by: Ruth Webster

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