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Increase in online activity over the christmas period

Increase in online activity over the christmas period

With the holiday season almost underway, online retailers are hoping for better sales. However, on the contrary, they are likely to experience higher abandonment rates, unless they utilize shopping cart recovery solutions. The Christmas season isn't the time for any ecommerce merchant to have squeaky wheels' on their shopping cart. This is the peak shopping period with the potential to ring in the maximum amount in sales. Moreover, ecommerce merchants need to focus on reducing their shopping cart abandonment rate in order to avoid lost sales. Online shopping during the Christmas season is the time when most customers are in a hurry to get through their shopping list, which means they won't hesitate to abandon their shopping cart for varied reasons. In the event of abandonment, it is essential to bring back lost customers and recover sales.

Losing customers acquired after intensive marketing efforts is the last thing that online merchants can afford. The key is to use shopping cart recovery solutions in order to reduce the abandonment rate. It is essential to have a remarketing campaign in order to recover cart sales. Shoppers who have recently abandoned their shopping cart are the easiest to remarket products to. Statistics indicate that abandonment rates are more than 60% - 70% during the season. Given the increase in online shopping activity, this could result in a significant amount of lost customers and potential losses for an ecommerce merchant if appropriate measures are not taken to recover lost sales.

Shopping cart recovery programs offer solutions which include real time response, a critical element in a remarketing campaign. A product is still fresh in a customer's mind for approximately two hours after abandoning the shopping cart. This is the ideal time to remind customers and make every effort to bring them back to complete their purchase. This can include sending emails within one hour of shopping cart abandonment, followed by another email within 24 hours offering special discounts on purchases.

For ecommerce merchants, it pays to engage in shopping cart recovery programs because an abandoned cart does not necessarily mean lost sales. Many conversions happen within 2 days or more. Online merchants need to factor in customer behavior and understand the metrics behind tracking lost customers with effective cart recovery programs and remarketing campaigns. The key is to prioritize the list of reasons that cause shoppers to abandon their carts and then adopt a suitable recovery program.

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