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subject: Best Tips For An Easy And Fun Family Picnic [print this page]

Best Tips For An Easy And Fun Family Picnic

Picnics are great moments, be it a short weekend getaway with the family, a backyard barbecue, a park excursion in the park or just a drive by the city. Whatever your idea of a family picnic, just remember that picnics and other outdoor activities are the exact stuff that fond memories are made of, so whether you wanna spread out a mat on a warm sunny day under a tree or play outside with the kids, just make it extra special and memorable.

Let's start from the basics and list some of the things you'll require when planning a family day out. First in the list is a picnic gear. A good mat or waterproofed quilt is a must, if you don't have either of the aforementioned, then pull put that old blanket from home. Just ensure its water proofed incase you picnic on the park and find the grass wet.

A picnic basket is the item number two. This is necessary and handy for ferrying utensils and packed food. Just ensure that it's roomy and studier to contain every item you'll need for your family fun day out. Purchase some picnic backpacks and baskets and have every adult coming along carry one.

Delicious food

Now here it all boils down to expediency. Food should be easy to pack and carry. Some of my family's best picnics involved food picked from the local delivery store. On one occasion we even ordered chicken paprika from an Indian restaurant. The best suggestion regarding food is that you prepare a favorite home-made treat and get some add-ons en-route to the picnic venue.

Games and fun fair

If you're taking your kids along then games are a must for the picnic package to be complete, action toys like softballs, kites, Frisbees and bats are very welcome, especially if you're picnicking in an area with plenty of space. Bring along a items for quiet activity because kids won't be running and playing all the time, Game such as Scrabble and chess are very good.

When figuring out items for the family picnic, avoid over packing. Do not succumb to your kids pressure to have all their game wears packed for the trip unless the event is being organized in your home backyard. Remain in control by limiting what you pack to the most necessary.

The above principle should be applied to food. Pack an assortment of snacks, sandwich and an entree if applicable. Kids get hungry after a session of intense physical activity but they hardly surpass their normal food ration with play in sight. Therefore, it's advisable that you pack just a tad more that their normal helping and you should be fine.

Pack enough water for the picnic, kids activity makes them loose a lot of water through sweating and urinating and it's good that they get clean and cold water in plenty to quench their thirst. Inquire before departing to find out the availability of water in the picnic destination. The place should also offer clean bathrooms and working fountains. The availability of functional family friendly facilities will ensure that you enjoy your time to the maximum.

by: Mathieu Courchesne

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