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Make Money While Traveling

Make Money While Traveling

Somehow the universe has a way of playing cruel jokes on us all. Maybe it is the law of opposites, but I have often asked myself why the best things in life always seem to have a down side and vice versa. Why are lima beans good for me but Chunky Monkey ice cream bad? Where's the justice? Why can't I just travel the world and make millions of dollars doing what I want without having to work?

Damn Newton and his law of motion; for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. If I gag down a spoon of lima beans I get vitamins, savor the banana flavored ice cream dripping with chocolate sauce and my cholesterol goes up.

Well as it turns out I am not giving up on Chunky Monkey and I am not giving up on traveling. Fooling myself into thinking I won't have to pay the piper will not get me anywhere. There will be extra laps in the pool every morning and I have to make the money to live the lifestyle I chose.
Make Money While Traveling

The good news is swimming is not such a high price to pay for my addiction to creamy goodness. And making money is not as hard as it seems. Make Money Online is probably the most Googled term of all time. It also is guaranteed to gather the most useless information, second only to Perez Hilton's blog, on the internet. Over the years I have tried a few "promising" concepts. Some of them might have worked if they were not so time consuming and boring. The truth is I just don't have the motivation or the car salesman mentality to follow through with them. Some of them were just junk. Total crap or obvious things anyone could figure out.
Make Money While Traveling

The one thing I have NEVER done is promote one of them. In fact I am too embarrassed to even mention the ones I chose. So the reason I am promoting this one is because I am going to get rich talking other people into it. UhmNot so much. Chances are so few people will read this post that it cannot really be considered promoting. When I write on my blog I write about what I feel like at the moment. When I write for money it is for other publications. This falls into the category of "I just feel like it."

Let's cut the BS and talk facts. Personally I think this program, in the video below, shows some pretty inflated figures. That is not to say that the numbers can't be achieved, just not bloody likely. The plain and simple truth is that this program is super easy and it works. It claims you will be in business in two hours. Well it takes me an hour and a half to watch 60 Minutes so take that claim with a grain of salt. Not a whole lot more than two hours though. I was making money the same day so that counts for something.

The real reason I am bothering to write this is because I was surprised by the outcome. I expected that I would either not want to follow through with it or there would be some sort of gimmick involved that would make it too difficult to accomplish. So yes, I was surprised. It is by no means a Holy Grail of a secret that is the answer to world peace, just a simple way that anyone can make money. You don't have to be a spokesman or even tell anyone what you are doing. Just set it up and let it go.

Ok so enough with the talk. Watch the video at . You can try the program or not. Do I think you will make money? Yeah. I do. Will you kick yourself for not getting in while the getting in is hot? NoIt's just a way to make some killer cash, not the cure for cancer.

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