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subject: Rekindling Your Romance After The Kids Have Left The Nest [print this page]

Rekindling Your Romance After The Kids Have Left The Nest

The house is strangely quiet. Theres no line for the bathroom. Your grocery bill is suddenly a lot less expensive. Thats right, your kids have moved out and you should be jumping for joy but instead youre jumping to conclusions about how difficult it might be to reconnect with your spouse or partner.

If youre one of the millions of couples whose kids have recently flown the coop, then youre not only dealing with empty nest syndrome but also discovering how to rekindle romance with your significant other. After so many years of focusing on your children, you may wonder where to begin. Indeed, you may have identified yourself as a parent for so long that youve forgotten how to relate to your spouse or partner. It may sound obvious, but the best way to reconnect is by simply talking and listening to one another.

But dont just talk inject some excitement into your new life and savor your newfound freedom. One way to do this is to establish date nights or date days and make a pact with one another that nothing will get in the way of them. Get creative on these dates whether its going out for a spin on the dance floor, attending a concert, enjoying an exhibit at a museum, or indulging in dinner at a restaurant youve both been wanting to try. Whatever you choose to do, the key is to spend time together doing things that you both enjoy.

Many couples also find it invigorating to try new things together. For example, take up a hobby together, such as a cooking class or an art class. Join a book club, learn to salsa dance or even try bungee jumping. The skys the limit when it comes to reconnecting.

Its also important for couples to pamper one another. Remember, its the little things that can make a huge difference. Breakfast in bed, a candlelit dinner at home or a foot rub can go a long way toward showing your spouse or partner just how much you cherish them. Try alternating your pamper days so that neither party feels neglected!

Another way to rev up your romance is to take a vacation together. Of course, your budget may not allow you to take that getaway to the tropical locale of which youd been dreaming, but that doesnt mean you cant take advantage of some great destinations closer to home. It can be as simple as hopping in the car and taking a long weekend together to the beach, a boutique hotel or a nearby city youve both always wanted to explore.

Yet another way to rekindle romance is to embark on a shared goal. This could mean exercising or even volunteering together. Possessing shared goals will give both you and your partner a sense of purpose and fulfillment, something which can only enhance your relationship.

The bottom line is that the empty nest syndrome shouldnt leave either you or your partner feeling vacant. Instead, it should represent an opportunity for the two of you to embark on one of the most fulfilling stages of your life together.

by: Bridget Jones

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