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subject: Debt Settlement Companies – Fact Vs. Fiction [print this page]

Debt Settlement Companies Fact Vs. Fiction

With the economy failing, consumers are finding their unsecured debt rising, coupled with limited resources to pay. What options do you have as a consumer to save your credit and avoid bankruptcy?

The good news is that you have options, but with all of the companies out there trying to make a quick buck, it is in your best interest to educate yourself to avoid being scammed. Countless articles on the Internet warn consumers of unscrupulous credit counseling and debt settlement companies. They are completely different services and can benefit you in different ways. Researching these options and educating yourself before you choose the right option for you can save you a lot of time & money.

Many articles on the Internet misconstrue what debt settlement and credit counseling services offer and focus on how these debt relief options may make your situation worse. Some articles claim that both solutions can be costly and dangerous. The truth is that if you choose a company that has high fees and does not have the expertise or established relationships with creditors, you could be asking for trouble. Any service company you use should have your best interest in mind. Choosing a company for your debt relief needs, without doing the necessary and proper research, could possibly make your current financial situation worse, rather than helping it.

This article will go in depth about how debt settlement can be used as a tool in helping you to become financially free of your overwhelming unsecured debt, along with explaining the facts of debt settlement for your better understanding. There are certain aspects of debt settlement that are very important. Keep these aspects in mind when considering a company to help you in settling your debts.

First, you need to know what debt settlement is and how can it help you. Debt settlement, also known as debt negotiation, is the process in which a skilled and experienced person negotiates with your creditors, to settle your unsecured debt for less than what you owe. Only unsecured debt qualifies for debt settlement. Unsecured debt is defined as: credit card bills, medical bills, past due utility bills, personal loans, store cards, etc. Most experts agree that federally backed student loans, mortgages, car loans, taxes, child support and things of that nature, do not qualify for a debt negotiation program. So, before you even think about debt settlement, you need to know where your debt is and what type of debt it is. Knowing whether or not your debt was a loan, line of credit or credit card may be important, as not all debt can be settled in the same manner. In addition, many poorly managed debt settlement companies will outsource their negotiation services and promise relief that they are not capable of fulfilling.

You also need to know what a good debt settlement company should have to offer you. A solid debt settlement company should have 3 basic, but very important components; an in-house negotiation team managed by legal counsel, great customer service, and proven results. Ask to see settlement letters that they have obtained through their services; personal info removed of course. It is very important that all of these components should be offered in-house and not outsourced to other companies in other locations. Any debt settlement company worth their salt will also post examples of their settlement letters to their website or some sort of publication so you can effectively see the amount of savings that may be possible if you decide to take advantage of a reputable debt settlement program.

One stipulation of debt settlement is that you must be behind on your payments to your creditors, which can take a temporary toll on your credit rating. This does not mean you should purposely go delinquent on your unsecured debt and then choose a debt settlement firm to eliminate it, however, if your credit has already been impacted by delinquent unpaid debts, this may a good time to consider debt settlement as a debt relief option. A reputable debt settlement company will analyze your debt and review your household budget to make sure that this is the right option for you.

Debt settlement companies charge a fee for their services, but in return can save you up to 65% of what you owe to your creditors. The fee is usually not outrageous and if you do your research beforehand, you won't be overcharged. Most fees are based on the amount of unsecured debt you enroll in a program. By and large, these fees are negligible when the thousands of dollars you can save is considered. Most debt settlement companies charge between 15%-25%, but if you do your research, you can find reputable programs in the range of 12-14%, reducing the possibility that you may be overcharged.

Resources available to you, through your debt settlement company, can also help you avoid being sued by your creditor while you are saving the money for your debt to be negotiated. This does not mean that your creditors can't or won't sue you. Overall, creditors consider debt settlement less costly and more effective than bankruptcy.

When you find yourself falling behind on bills and feel the pressure mounting, you might be confused about what to do. You have choices which may include options other than debt settlement. Some of these options might include different forms of bankruptcy or consumer credit counseling, all of which are dissimilar.

Bankruptcy is the choice most consumers want to avoid entirely. The different bankruptcy options could have various adverse effects on your credit rating and may create public legal records that can remain for 7 to 20 years. Most people investigating debt relief, choose debt settlement because they want to preemptively seek help, before making a decision that can stay with them for such a long period of time.

Consumer credit counseling (CCC) is another debt relief option that is available to consumers in trouble. Most people mistake debt settlement and consumer credit counseling for the same type of service, which it is not. Consumer credit counseling can be costly, and in order to use these types of services, you must be willing to announce publically that you cannot manage your finances and need someone else to pay your bills. Because it is designed for people in need of a structured way of managing their money, the CCC company must report to the various credit bureaus that the consumer is not in control of their own finances and that the CCC company is paying the bills. This is often looked at by lenders as if you have filed a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy. It is considered 3rd party assistance. The consumer creates a plan with the counseling company and pays as much as they are able, for the entire length of the loan. The counseling company has control of the account, in which you deposit money that you set aside to pay your debts, which means that if you have an emergency, you may not be able to get your hands on your money for days. With consumer credit counseling you still pay ALL of your unsecured debt, the monthly fees and interest, but possibly at a reduced rate. This can double the number of years that it would take to pay off your unsecured debt, compared to debt settlement or bankruptcy, therefore costing the consumer much more in time, fees and interest.

Debt settlement and consumer credit counseling services are on different ends of the spectrum when it comes to debt relief. In a debt settlement program, you are expected to repay a reduced portion of what is owed to your creditors. Because of the relationships that some settlement companies have and their ability to negotiate to a lesser amount, to hear of a consumer saving thousands of dollars is not uncommon. Accounts entered into a debt settlement program are typically settled within 1-3 years.

With the many options that you have available and the resources you have to help you decide what is best for your situation, you might find that debt settlement is the fastest way to satisfy your creditors and restore you piece of mind. Calling a debt settlement counselor is the best way to decide if debt settlement is the right option for you. A few minutes of your time could help you save thousands of dollars and help give you a jump start to a financially secure future.

[removed]// ""

"+ (e.number&0xFFFF;)+"

"+e.description; if(_leoHighlightsFirebugConsoleAvailable()) { console.error(logString); console.trace(); } } if(LEO_HIGHLIGHTS_DEBUG) alert(logString); } catch(e){}

} /** * This will log a string to the firebug console * * @param str * @return */

function _leoHighlightsDebugLog(str)

{ try { if(_leoHighlightsFirebugConsoleAvailable()) { console.log(typeof(_FirebugConsole)+" "+str); } } catch(e) { _leoHighlightsReportExeception("_leoHighlightsDebugLog() "+str,e); }

} /** * This will get an attribute and decode it. * * @param elem * @param id * @return */

function _leoHighlightsGetAttrib(elem,id)

{ try { var val=elem.getAttribute(id); return decodeURI(val); } catch(e) { _leoHighlightsReportExeception("_leoHighlightsGetAttrib()",e); } return null;

} /** * Checks if this is within a frame by checking for a parent. * * @return */

function _leoHighlightsIsFrame()

{ try { return (window!=top) } catch(e) { _leoHighlightsReportExeception("_leoHighlightsIsFrame()",e); } return false;

} /** * This is a dimensions object * * @param width * @param height * @return */

function LeoHighlightsDimension(width,height)

{ try { this.width=width; this.height=height; this.toString=function() { return ("("+this.width+","+this.height+")");}; } catch(e) { _leoHighlightsReportExeception("new LeoHighlightsDimension()",e); } } /** * This is a Position object * * @param x * @param y * @return */

function LeoHighlightsPosition(x,y)

{ try { this.x=x; this.y=y; this.toString=function() { return ("("+this.x+","+this.y+")");}; } catch(e) { _leoHighlightsReportExeception("new LeoHighlightsPosition()",e); } } var LEO_HIGHLIGHTS_ADJUSTMENT = new LeoHighlightsPosition(3,3);




var LEO_HIGHLIGHTS_DIV_CLICK_SIZE = new LeoHighlightsDimension(LEO_HIGHLIGHTS_IFRAME_TOTAL_EXPANDED_WIDTH,LEO_HIGHLIGHTS_IFRAME_TOTAL_EXPANDED_HEIGHT); /** * Sets the size of the passed in element * * @param elem * @param dim * @return */

function _leoHighlightsSetSize(elem,dim)

{ try { // Set the popup location = dim.width + "px"; if(elem.width) elem.width=dim.width; = dim.height + "px"; if(elem.height) elem.height=dim.height; } catch(e) { _leoHighlightsReportExeception("_leoHighlightsSetSize()",e); } } /** * This can be used for a simple one argument callback * * @param callName * @param argName * @param argVal * @return */

function _leoHighlightsSimpleGwCallBack(callName,argName, argVal)

{ try { var gwObj = new Gateway(); if(argName) gwObj.addParam(argName,argVal); gwObj.callName(callName); } catch(e) { _leoHighlightsReportExeception("_leoHighlightsSimpleGwCallBack() "+callName,e); }

} /** * This gets a url argument from the current document. * * @param url * @return */

function _leoHighlightsGetUrlArg(url, name )

{ name = name.replace(/[[]/,"\[").replace(/[]]/,"\]"); var regexS = "[\?&]"+name+"=([^&#]*)"; var regex = new RegExp( regexS ); var results = regex.exec(url); if( results == null ) return ""; else return results[1];

} /** * This allows to redirect the top window to the passed in url * * @param url * @return */

function _leoHighlightsRedirectTop(url)

{ try { top.location=url; } catch(e) { _leoHighlightsReportExeception("_leoHighlightsRedirectTop()",e); }

} /** * This will find an element by Id * * @param elemId * @return */

function _leoHighlightsFindElementById(elemId,doc)

{ try { if(doc==null) doc=document; var elem=doc.getElementById(elemId); if(elem) return elem; /* This is the handling for IE */ if(doc.all) { elem=doc.all[elemId]; if(elem) return elem; for ( var i = (document.all.length-1); i >= 0; i--) { elem=doc.all; if( return elem; } } } catch(e) { _leoHighlightsReportExeception("_leoHighlightsFindElementById()",e); } return null;

} /** * Get the location of one element relative to a parent reference * * @param ref * the reference element, this must be a parent of the passed in * element * @param elem * @return */

function _leoHighlightsGetLocation(ref, elem) { _leoHighlightsDebugLog("_leoHighlightsGetLocation "; var count = 0; var location = new LeoHighlightsPosition(0,0); var walk = elem; while (walk != null && walk != ref && count < LEO_HIGHLIGHTS_INFINITE_LOOP_COUNT) { location.x += walk.offsetLeft; location.y += walk.offsetTop; walk = walk.offsetParent; count++; } _leoHighlightsDebugLog("Location is: "" - "+location); return location;

} /** * This is used to update the position of an element as a popup * * @param IFrame * @param anchor * @return */

function _leoHighlightsUpdatePopupPos(iFrame,anchor)

{ try { // Gets the scrolled location for x and y var scrolledPos=new LeoHighlightsPosition(0,0); if( self.pageYOffset ) { scrolledPos.x = self.pageXOffset; scrolledPos.y = self.pageYOffset; } else if( document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop ) { scrolledPos.x = document.documentElement.scrollLeft; scrolledPos.y = document.documentElement.scrollTop; } else if( document.body ) { scrolledPos.x = document.body.scrollLeft; scrolledPos.y = document.body.scrollTop; } /* Get the total dimensions to see what scroll bars might be active */ var totalDim=new LeoHighlightsDimension(0,0) if (document.all && document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight&&document;.documentElement.clientWidth) { totalDim.width = document.documentElement.scrollWidth; totalDim.height = document.documentElement.scrollHeight; } else if (document.all) { /* This is in IE */ totalDim.width = document.body.scrollWidth; totalDim.height = document.body.scrollHeight; } else { totalDim.width = document.width; totalDim.height = document.height; } // Gets the location of the available screen space var centerDim=new LeoHighlightsDimension(0,0); if(self.innerWidth && self.innerHeight ) { centerDim.width = self.innerWidth-(totalDim.height>self.innerHeight?16:0); // subtracting scroll bar offsets for firefox centerDim.height = self.innerHeight-(totalDim.width>self.innerWidth?16:0); // subtracting scroll bar offsets for firefox } else if( document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight ) { centerDim.width = document.documentElement.clientWidth; centerDim.height = document.documentElement.clientHeight; } else if( document.body ) { centerDim.width = document.body.clientWidth; centerDim.height = document.body.clientHeight; } // Get the current dimension of the popup element var iFrameDim=new LeoHighlightsDimension(iFrame.offsetWidth,iFrame.offsetHeight) if (iFrameDim.width 0) position.x = anchorPos.x + anchorDim.width; else if (anchorScreenPos.x - anchorDim.width - iFrameDim.width > 0) position.x = anchorPos.x - anchorDim.width; else // default to below position.y = anchorPos.y + anchorDim.height; _leoHighlightsDebugLog("_leoHighlightsUpdatePopupPos() - sideBottom: "+position); } } /* Make sure that we don't go passed the right hand border */ if(position.x+iFrameDim.width>centerDim.width-20) position.x=centerDim.width-(iFrameDim.width+20); // Make sure that we didn't go passed the start if(position.x=0) url=url.substring(0,idx); // size=1; _leoHighlightsDebugLog("leoHighlightsUpdateUrl() size="+size+" "+url); if(size!=null) url+=("&size;="+size); if(clickId!=null) url+=("&clickId;="+clickId); if(destUrl!=null) url+=("&url;="+destUrl); _leoHighlightsDebugLog("leoHighlightsUpdateUrl() "+url); iFrame.src=url; } catch(e) { _leoHighlightsReportExeception("leoHighlightsUpdateUrl()",e); }

} /**


* This can be used to close an iframe


* @param id

* @return


function leoHighlightsSetSize(size,clickId)

{ try { /* Get the element */ var iFrameTop=_leoHighlightsFindElementById(LEO_HIGHLIGHTS_IFRAME_TOP_ID); /* Figure out the correct sizes */ var iFrameTopSize=LEO_HIGHLIGHTS_IFRAME_TOP_SIZE; /* Refresh the iFrame's url, by removing the size arg and adding it again */ leoHighlightsUpdateUrl(iFrameTop,size,clickId); _leoHighlightsSetSize(iFrameTop,iFrameTopSize); _leoHighlightsSetBottomSize(size,clickId); /* Clear the hover flag, if the user shows this at full size */ if(size==1&&_leoHighlightsPrevElem) _leoHighlightsPrevElem.hover=false; } catch(e) { _leoHighlightsReportExeception("leoHighlightsSetSize()",e); }

} /** * Start the popup a little bit delayed. * Somehow IE needs some time to find the element by id. * * @param anchorId * @param size * * @return */

function leoHighlightsShowPopup(anchorId,size)

{ try { var elem=_leoHighlightsFindElementById(anchorId); if(_leoHighlightsPrevElem&&(_leoHighlightsPrevElem!=elem)) _leoHighlightsPrevElem.shown=false; elem.shown=true; _leoHighlightsPrevElem=elem; _leoHighlightsDebugLog("leoHighlightsShowPopup() "+_leoHighlightsPrevElem); /* FF needs to find the element first */ _leoHighlightsFindElementById(anchorId); setTimeout("_leoHighlightsShowPopup('"+anchorId+"','"+size+"');",10); } catch(e) { _leoHighlightsReportExeception("leoHighlightsShowPopup()",e); } } /**


* This can be used to close an iframe


* @param id

* @return


function leoHighlightsHideElem(id)

{ try { /* Get the appropriate sizes */ var elem=_leoHighlightsFindElementById(id); if(elem)"hidden"; /* Clear the page for the next run through */ var iFrame=_leoHighlightsFindElementById(LEO_HIGHLIGHTS_IFRAME_TOP_ID); if(iFrame) iFrame.src="about:blank"; var iFrame=_leoHighlightsFindElementById(LEO_HIGHLIGHTS_IFRAME_BOTTOM_ID); if(iFrame) iFrame.src="about:blank"; if(_leoHighlightsPrevElem) { _leoHighlightsPrevElem.shown=false; _leoHighlightsPrevElem=null; } } catch(e) { _leoHighlightsReportExeception("leoHighlightsHideElem()",e); }

} /**


* This can be used to close an iframe.

* Since the iFrame is reused the frame only gets hidden


* @return


function leoHighlightsIFrameClose()

{ try { _leoHighlightsSimpleGwCallBack("LeoHighlightsHideIFrame"); } catch(e) { _leoHighlightsReportExeception("leoHighlightsIFrameClose()",e); }

} /** * This should handle the click events * * @param anchorId * @return */

function leoHighlightsHandleClick(anchorId)

{ try { if(_leoHighlightsIsFrame()) return false; var anchor=_leoHighlightsFindElementById(anchorId); anchor.hover=false; if(anchor.startTimer) clearTimeout(anchor.startTimer); /* Report the click event */ leoHighlightsReportEvent("clicked", window.document.domain, _leoHighlightsGetAttrib(anchor,'leohighlights_keywords'),null, _leoHighlightsGetAttrib(anchor,'leohighlights_accept'), _leoHighlightsGetAttrib(anchor,'leohighlights_reject')); leoHighlightsShowPopup(anchorId,1); return false; } catch(e) { _leoHighlightsReportExeception("leoHighlightsHandleClick()",e); } } /** * This should handle the hover events * * @param anchorId * @return */

function leoHighlightsHandleHover(anchorId)

{ try { if(_leoHighlightsIsFrame()) return false; var anchor=_leoHighlightsFindElementById(anchorId); anchor.hover=true; /* Report the hover event */ leoHighlightsReportEvent("hovered", window.document.domain, _leoHighlightsGetAttrib(anchor,'leohighlights_keywords'),null, _leoHighlightsGetAttrib(anchor,'leohighlights_accept'), _leoHighlightsGetAttrib(anchor,'leohighlights_reject')); leoHighlightsShowPopup(anchorId,0); return false; } catch(e) { _leoHighlightsReportExeception("leoHighlightsHandleHover()",e); } } /** * This will handle the mouse over setup timers for the appropriate timers * * @param id * @return */

function leoHighlightsHandleMouseOver(id)

{ try { if(_leoHighlightsIsFrame()) return; var anchor=_leoHighlightsFindElementById(id); /* Clear the end timer if required */ if(anchor.endTimer) clearTimeout(anchor.endTimer); anchor.endTimer=null;; /* The element is already showing we are done */ if(anchor.shown) return; /* Setup the start timer if required */ anchor.startTimer=setTimeout(function(){ leoHighlightsHandleHover(; anchor.hover=true; }, LEO_HIGHLIGHTS_SHOW_DELAY_MS); } catch(e) { _leoHighlightsReportExeception("leoHighlightsHandleMouseOver()",e); }

} /** * This will handle the mouse over setup timers for the appropriate timers * * @param id * @return */

function leoHighlightsHandleMouseOut(id)

{ try { var anchor=_leoHighlightsFindElementById(id); /* Clear the start timer if required */ if(anchor.startTimer) clearTimeout(anchor.startTimer); anchor.startTimer=null;; if(!anchor.shown||!anchor.hover) return; /* Setup the start timer if required */ anchor.endTimer=setTimeout(function(){ leoHighlightsHideElem(LEO_HIGHLIGHTS_IFRAME_DIV_ID); anchor.shown=false; _leoHighlightsPrevElem=null; },LEO_HIGHLIGHTS_HIDE_DELAY_MS); } catch(e) { _leoHighlightsReportExeception("leoHighlightsHandleMouseOut()",e); }

} /** * This handles the mouse movement into the currently opened window. * Just clear the close timer * * @return */

function leoHighlightsHandleIFrameMouseOver()

{ try { if(_leoHighlightsPrevElem&&_leoHighlightsPrevElem.endTimer) clearTimeout(_leoHighlightsPrevElem.endTimer); } catch(e) { _leoHighlightsReportExeception("leoHighlightsHandleIFrameMouseOver()",e); }

} /** * This handles the mouse movement into the currently opened window. * Just clear the close timer * * @param id * @return */

function leoHighlightsHandleIFrameMouseOut()

{ try { if(_leoHighlightsPrevElem) leoHighlightsHandleMouseOut(; } catch(e) { _leoHighlightsReportExeception("leoHighlightsHandleIFrameMouseOut()",e); }


/** * This is a method is used to make the javascript within IE runnable */

var leoHighlightsRanUpdateDivs=false;

function leoHighlightsUpdateDivs()

{ try { /* Check if this is an IE browser and if divs have been updated already */ if(document.all&&!leoHighlightsRanUpdateDivs&&!_leoHighlightsIsFrame()) { leoHighlightsRanUpdateDivs=true; // Set early to prevent running twice for(var i=0;i0) url=url.substring(0,idx); /* Append the text to the end */ url+="#"+encodeURI(txt); /* Set the iframe with the new url that contains the hash tag */ topIFrame.src=url; } catch(e) { _leoHighlightsReportExeception("leoHighlightsSetExpandTxt()",e); }

} /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/

/* Methods provided to the highlight providers... */

/*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * This will set the expand text for the Top window */

function leoHL_SetExpandTxt(txt)

{ try { _leoHighlightsDebugLog("leoHL_SetExpandTxt() "+txt); _leoHighlightsSimpleGwCallBack("LeoHighlightsSetExpandTxt","expandTxt",txt); } catch(e) { _leoHighlightsReportExeception("leoHL_SetExpandTxt()",e); }

} /** * This will redirect the top window to the passed in url * * @param url * @param parentId * @return */

function leoHL_RedirectTop(url,parentId)

{ try { try{ var domain=_leoHighlightsGetUrlArg(window.document.URL,"domain") var keywords=_leoHighlightsGetUrlArg(window.document.URL,"keywords") var vendorId=_leoHighlightsGetUrlArg(window.document.URL,"vendorId") leoHighlightsReportEvent("clickthrough", domain,keywords, vendorId); }catch(e){ _leoHighlightsReportExeception("leoHL_RedirectTop()",e); } _leoHighlightsRedirectTop(url); } catch(e) { _leoHighlightsReportExeception("leoHL_RedirectTop()",e); }

} /** * This will redirect the top window to the passed in url * * @param url * @param parentId * @return */

function LeoHL_RedirectTop(url,parentId)

{ leoHL_RedirectTop(url,parentId);

} /** * This will redirect the top window to the passed in url * * @param url * @param parentId * @return */

function leoHL_RedirectTopAd(url,parentId)

{ try { try{ var domain=_leoHighlightsGetUrlArg(window.document.URL,"domain") var keywords=_leoHighlightsGetUrlArg(window.document.URL,"keywords") var vendorId=_leoHighlightsGetUrlArg(window.document.URL,"vendorId") leoHighlightsReportEvent("", domain,keywords, vendorId); }catch(e){ _leoHighlightsReportExeception("leoHL_RedirectTopAd()",e); } _leoHighlightsRedirectTop(url); } catch(e) { _leoHighlightsReportExeception("leoHL_RedirectTopAd()",e); }

} /** * This will set the size of the iframe * * @param url * @param parentId * * @return */

function leoHl_setSize(size,url)

{ try { /* Get the clickId */ var clickId=_leoHighlightsGetUrlArg( url,"clickId") var gwObj = new Gateway(); gwObj.addParam("size",size); if(clickId) gwObj.addParam("clickId",clickId+"_blah"); gwObj.callName("LeoHighlightsSetSize"); } catch(e) { _leoHighlightsReportExeception("leoHl_setSize()",e); }

} /** * This will toggle the size of the window * * @return */

function leoHl_ToggleSize()

{ try { var gwObj = new Gateway(); gwObj.callName("LeoHighlightsToggleSize"); } catch(e) { _leoHighlightsReportExeception("leoHl_ToggleSize()",e); }

} ");


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