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subject: Do You Suffer From Post Holiday Stress? [print this page]

Do You Suffer From Post Holiday Stress?

Do you find that the first week back from holidays is incredibly stressful? You're tired from travelling, you need to unpack and do the washing, open your post, reply to mail and youre due in at work as well. And on top of that family and friends are all dying to see you! It's all too easy to begin to feel that there aren't quite enough pieces of you to go around.

All of the demands of regular day to day living can seem to be a bit much, especially in contrast to the relaxing days you have just spent with little to do other than chill out and enjoy yourself. You just have to hop onto that treadmill and keep on going no matter how out of sorts you begin to feel. Or do you?

Everyone has a different temperament and so the ways in which you cope will also differ. I'm one of those people who has to get things done; I just can't leave things until tomorrow, unless there really is no other way. I therefore put pressure onto myself. If you are similar to me in this tendency, it is important to identify this trait and to learn ways in which to temper it. Otherwise you can find that you run yourself ragged, and eventually fly off that treadmill backwards!

I returned the other day from having eight weeks away from home. I was really excited about seeing everyone, and thankfully, they wanted to see me too. But you should have seen the list of things which needed to be done! It was HUGE; it was an ENORMOUS list. But when each item on that list was examined closely, not many were vitally important. Most could wait.
Do You Suffer From Post Holiday Stress?

I have learned over the years not to get too hooked up upon the length of the list. It's amazing how quickly you can work through things so long as you are systematic, which furtunately I am. The things which I find frustrating are those things which I cannot do the fact the battery was flat on one car, which was parked in front of the other car, meaning that neither could be used straight away; someone had to be called out. I was now dependent on them and had to wait for them. Now, that's exactly the sort of thing which I find irritating. I want to do something but there's nothing much I can do other than wait.

Other people find such instances easy to deal with. They can look at the situation and see that from their perspective that it's not an issue as it would be someone else's job to fix the battery and therefore feel that there is no pressure being placed upon them. These opposite ways of looking at the same situation invoke totally different emotions. I had to give myself a good old talking to last Saturday so as to change my perspective, thereby allowing myself to feel a whole lot less frustrated!

The moral of the story is of course that stress and frustration comes from within; it comes from your own perspective and attitude towards things, which tends to be an automatic, habitual style of response. The easiest way in which to change automatic reactions such as these is to use hypnosis.
Do You Suffer From Post Holiday Stress?

Hypnosis provides access to your subconscious mind and therefore to your instinctive thinking patterns. Hypnosis is a state of relaxation which allows you to take a step back and to see things from a different angle. If you are feeling stressed, or have just come back from holiday and are wondering how on earth you'll cope, then why not get a hypnosis mp3 and give yourself a break from stress?

Roseanna Leaton, specialist in hypnosis downloads for health and well-being.

P.S. Are you feeling stressed? You can grab a free hypnosis mp3 from my website.

by: Roseanna Leaton

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