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Choosing The Best Travel Pillow - A Chiropractor Guides You

More airlines are cutting costs by eliminating pillows from their planes. This has many travelers considering bringing their own. Good thing. In addition to worries about sanitation and hygiene, those little white pillows were largely useless.

Many of my patients travel. As a licensed chiropractor, I see all sorts of new ailments and re-injured old ones. Usually, the injury occurs during the flight, due to long periods of sitting uncomfortably. The right travel pillow will not only allow you to relax, which offers its own health benefits, but help prevent soreness or even injury.

During the day, the postural muscles in your neck are in contraction, to support your head. When you relax, your neck muscles relax with you.

Lying in bed, gravity keeps your neck and head aligned. When you are sitting upright, like in an airplane chair, gravity is working against you. Especially, if you are trying to relax.
Choosing The Best Travel Pillow - A Chiropractor Guides You

The standard U-shape travel pillows lack support under the chin. This allows your head to fall forward when you start to relax. Standard U-shape travel neck pillows have padding in the back. This extra padding is unneeded. The airplane chair supports you in the back, much like your bed supports you when lying down. Making matters worse, this unnecessary padding pushes your head forward even further accentuating the lack of support in front.

The weight of your head is now putting stress on your neck. Not only will you be uncomfortable and unable to rest, you'll likely end up tired, sore, and perhaps injured.

Picture your head and neck alignment when you are lying in bed. You naturally place yourself in neutral alignment, minimizing stress on your spine and neck postural muscles. You want to mimic this alignment as much as possible when you are sitting upright. Hanging your head forward or cocking it to one side is not only uncomfortable, but places great strain on your spine and neck postural muscles.

The best memory foam travel pillow is one that provides full support, including under the chin. This support helps you maintain proper alignment while sitting upright. Posture = comfort.

Maintaining proper alignment while traveling or sleeping upright is not only important with regards to personal comfort, but vital in reducing stress, soreness and preventing injury.

So don't be worried about cost cutting measures by the airline industry. Consider this an opportunity to treat yourself with the best travel pillow.

by: Kirsti Neely

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