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subject: Child Custody: Keeping The Peace For Your Child's Sake [print this page]

Child Custody:  Keeping The Peace For Your Child's Sake

Having a pleasant relationship with your ex may not seem possible. However, if you have kids together, your attitude towards their other parent could make or break their childhood. Here are some things to consider:

1. The child didn't have anything to do with your divorce. He doesn't understand why you can't or won't live together. He would like to know both of you, and wants to feel free to love each parent.

It doesn't matter what you tell your kids. You can say that the divorce isn't their fault. You can say that your problems aren't with them, but are just with each other. However, if you can't treat their other parent with respect, your words will not ring true to your child.

2. You both should have incentive to work together. Imagine that you and your ex are surgeons who have to perform a delicate operation.If you don't cooperate, the patient will die. The patient knows you aren't destined to be the best of friends, but she is dependent on you to pull her through her difficult illness or injury.
Child Custody:  Keeping The Peace For Your Child's Sake

Your child is like the patient. She has to work through her childhood knowing that the two people she is most dependent on can't stand each other. If one calls for a scalpel, the other one will yell for a clamp. She may not die on the operating table, but she will grow up feeling like a rag doll torn between two fighting children.

She won't be free to interpret life on her own terms. She will be too caught up in her parent's strife to learn what her mother and father should be teaching her. If they are always hostile to each other, , she will feel she has to make a painful choice each time one of them wants her to do something the other one doesn't. She is going to disappoint one of the two people she loves most in the world, no matter what choice she makes.

3. Your child should be free to enjoy his triumphs and mourn his losses. However, when his mother and father can't even sit in bleechers together to cheer him on, why should he trust them when he has an important question. If he needs advice about sex, drugs or other dangerous issues, that he is likely to confront in school who should he turn to?

How can he choose between two counselors who hate each other's guts? How can he make a mature decision when the people who are supposed to guide him can't even talk to each other? Wouldn't he be better able to do what is best if his parents had enough respect for each other to give him a solid front?

You and your ex need to declare a truce. Your marriage didn't work out. Your incompatibility is why you got divorced. Pretend your marriage never happened. It may seem hard to do, but you only have to deal with each other over your children, and you can certainly bury the hatchet long enough to do that.

Don't avoid talking about the other parent. That sends a message that the other parent is too bad even to discuss. Ask the child about her. Help the child prepare for special days, like the other parent's birthday or mother's or father's day. Take the child Christmas shopping, and help him pick out something to give his other parent.

Enjoy the child's special events together. Be pleasant to each other during teacher conferences. Talk to each other about important dates, such as birthdays and graduations. Talk to each other about what gifts the child would like, and cooperate to procure them.

Let the child be a full member of both families. Encourage him to go to events on both sides. She will be much more secure if she is a part of weddings, funerals, birthdays and reunions that occur in the other parent's family. Don't look at the visitation schedule when permitting arrangements to be made. If an important event occurs on your weekend, be gracious and encourage the child to participate.

Your child isn't a possession. You may have "won" custody, but the child has "lost" his other parent. You can buffer the loss by giving the child as much access to his other parent as you can. Maybe it will be difficult to deal with your ex. As I said earlier, you know why you and she aren't sharing a home. However, you make small sacrifices for your child every day. You use your money to buy him food and clothes. You don't read a book or take an extravagant vacation because your child needs the resources you would use for these things.

He also needs his other parent. In fact, that need is greater than anything else you can provide for him. Holding your tongue and acting civil towards someone you aren't fond of is a small enough price to pay for your child's healthy adjustment in life.

Copyright (c) 2010 Lucille Uttermohlen

by: Lucille Uttermohlen

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