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subject: Get A Perfect Brigth Smile With Cosmetic Dentistry [print this page]

Whether it is a new problem or one you have lived with forever, when your teeth do not appear their best, you do not feel your best. You deserve to smile bright, look great and feel confident. With all of the latest advancements and increased technology, many people are unaware of the numerous ways cosmetic dentistry can restore your smile and give you the appearance you have always desired. Maybe you worry about crooked teeth, spaces between your teeth, stained or discolored teeth, chipped teeth, broken or missing teeth or having a "gummy" smile. Whatever your dental concern, those issues can corrected with cosmetic dentistry.

Porcelain Veneers

If you are looking for the secret to movie stars' bright, white smiles, look no further. Porcelain veneers serve as the smile solution for the majority of smile makeovers you see on television. Thin strips of porcelain are custom designed to adhere to the fronts of your existing teeth. Porcelain veneers make the difference and correct your crooked teeth, chipped teeth, gaps in teeth or discolored teeth. The result is a natural, beautiful smile and restored self-confidence.

Tooth Whitening

Your teeth were never a problem before. You always had straight, white teeth. However, after many years, your teeth now appear dulled or yellowed on the surface. A tooth whitening procedure may be all that separates you from the bright, white smile you had when you were younger. Tooth whitening is safe, effective and long lasting. There are different in-office whitening or take-home whitening. In-office whitening is done through procedures like Zoom! or Deep Bleaching, which is one of the most effective and predictable techniques available in dentistry. Take-home whitening is usually done with products such as Nite White.

Porcelain Bridges

Your smile and dental health experience significant changes when you are missing even one tooth. Gum disease, injury, decay or simply wear are some of the causes of teeth loss. This could result in your bite pressure changing over time to other parts of your mouth in order to compensate decreased efficiency in chewing. Your remaining teeth may begin to shift closer to the vacant area resulting in more gaps and discomfort. A custom designed porcelain bridge is created for you to keep your bite aligned and functional. The bridge is a semi-permanent solution anchored to existing teeth or crowns next to the missing tooth. Because only your dentist can affix or remove your bridge, you can be confident that your porcelain bridge is a long-term solution for your oral health.

Porcelain Crowns

Discoloration, cracking and chipping can occur after a lifetime of stress on your teeth. Porcelain crowns, often called "caps", improve your dental health while taking years off your smile. Shaded to match your teeth flawlessly, your lifelike porcelain crown is custom made and fitted to your damaged tooth which restores your oral health and smile.

by: Dave Stringham

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