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Quinny Buzz Travel System – how does it stack up?

Author: Jarrett Bright

|How to choose a baby travel system

There are countless pushchairs and travel systems on the market and when you add in the internet marketplace, choices for a travel system for your baby become overwhelming.

Is there an easy way to pick the correct baby travel system without spending ages and ages over it?
Quinny Buzz Travel System – how does it stack up?

What factors should you look at when figuring out your options?

Safety and comfort, for both the parent and the baby, would be among the most important features of any travel system - it needs to be easy for both.

It's quite normal to expect a well-padded, comfortable seat for baby and the seat to be fitted with a secure 5-point harness.

The secure harness

should be easily adjustable too, there are few things worse than spending what seems to be hours trying to fit your bay into the seat.

The car seat should be padded and warm, as should the pushchair chair when the baby outgrows the infant car seat.

This is especially important when it is winter and you cannot easily bundle up your baby because the harness won't fit well if you do.

Another important aspect of comfort is having access to things like a sunshade or even covers to protect your child from rain or bugs.

What an awful lot of the top pushchair producers don't seem to realize is the importance to parents of a built in shock absorbing system of some type.

Just think though, why should your baby be subjected to all those dips, bumps an uneven surfaces and end up being uncomfortable?

There are few more important things to the busy parent than peace-of-mind and convenience.

Even the newest of parents will be able to see that if your baby is comfortable then you will be too and your trip will be that much easier.

Two other features spring to mind too, a convenient way to transport your child to, in and from vehicles and some real space to store the stuff you need to carry around.

Finding a system that fill fit all of those requirements could be considered almost impossible.

One system that immediately springs to mind - and will fulfill all the requirements - is the Quinny Buzz Travel System.

The Quinny Buzz Travel System has all the comfort and safety you are looking for including a hydraulic system to smooth out the road, safety harnesses and just superb comfort for your baby - and you too of course.

The car seat provided is normally the Maxi Cosi Cabriofix model - top of the range comfort for your baby - but you also get the brilliant click and go adapters for easy placement of the seat too.

The versions that come with the Dreami Carrycot are even more versatile as you can use the carrycot as an alternative to the seat of the pushchair - your baby can lie flat and sleep in peace without being disturbed.

You don't have to think about where you might have to store your shopping bags either - the system can come with a built-in shopping basket too.

That's a heck of a package - all the features you need along with the most stylish, fashionable and useable of systems on the market today.
Quinny Buzz Travel System – how does it stack up?r/>
So, for the most popular, stylish and easiest-to-use system that will provide all the comfort, safety and practicality - take a good long look at the Quinny Buzz Travel System.About the Author:

I'm a parent and also had to decide which travel system to buy. I decided to buy a Quinny Buzz Travel System and created a website about it. Visit the Quinny Buzz Travel System website for more information and the best price on the Quinny Buzz Travel System.

Other site of interest:

Quinny Buzz Travel System - Why is it the most popular baby travel system?

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