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subject: Travelling To Thailand? When To Do Your Currency Conversion [print this page]

Travelling To Thailand? When  To Do Your Currency Conversion

Traveling to another country is exciting all on its own. One of the most popular destinations in the world is of course Thailand. People especially up north are fantastic and very, very friendly, and the experiences are equally enjoyable.

Just be sure that you have all of your particulars in order prior to heading off on your vacation. What am I referring to? I am referring to your flight booking, hotel booking, travel insurance, who's going to be taking care of your pet at home and the one thing many people forget about until it's too late and they step on foreign soil. What is that one thing?

The one thing I am talking about is exchanging your money to the new currency of the places you're going to. There are many drawbacks to leaving in the last second. One is getting ripped off in the worst possible way, and there is no worst way to ruin your vacation than to be ripped off by the currency exchanges at the airports, the hotel you are staying in or possibly even the local vendors.

I recently went from Canada to Chiang Mai, Thailand. Prior to leaving Canadian soil, I checked the currency exchange for about a week both online and offline. Offline I checked at local banks but I knew from prior visits to Chiang Mai that my best exchange was going to be in Chiang Mai at a small place not far from the Night Bazaar area.

Just for the heck of it, while I was waiting at the Bangkok airport during my 7 hour layover, I thought I would check out the currency exchange at the airport. It was an appalling 22.8 baht to $1! Had I no prior knowledge of the exchange rate I would have thought this was OK. But I KNEW that it should be around 33 baht to $1. A HUGE difference.

With Currency Conversion in Thailand in mind, there are a few ways you can go about doing this safely. You don't want to have your holiday ruined by something that could have been prevented do you?

by: Kelvin Nikkel

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