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Protect your identity online

Protect your identity online

Identity theft protection is no longer just a matter of printed materials you have scattered around the house. Now you have to take care of everything, which is stored on your computer, too.

Millions of Americans were victims of the past 12 months. Most of them had kept all personal information on their PC without a second thought.

They spent an average of $ 1,200 each to fix the problems that the Federal Trade Commission. In addition to the money they spent over 100 hours. Many believe that the time spent was still more losses than money.

Many people think that you install anti-phishing and anti-virus software is enough. These things do not protect your computer, but they do not protect identities.Protect your identity, PC Cop!

Cleaning surf history on a regular basis is a good idea. Otherwise, someone who walks home to see where you went.

If you've recently been doing some online banking, they can transfer the funds to his own account. It is particularly easy to do when your web browser to save passwords for websites.

But even if you tell the browser, never, AU to save the password-sensitive site passwords are still stored on your computer. Order, Aureal, AU, identity theft protection, you need to encrypt such information.

PC Cop is a program that can help. It allows you to scan your computer and find out your personal information, you may not realize is there. Once the data is found, you can choose to delete it, password protect it or hide it. It even helps you create passwords that record the best hackers.

Once you've installed the PC Cop, your identity theft protection is almost complete. There are only a few things.

First of all, you want to create a secure username and password to log in to your computer. You do not want someone can get easily.

The rest is simply a matter of destroyed documents properly. All mail that you should check their personal information before you throw it away.

Things that a thief can use to steal your identity are social security, driver license, aos and credit card numbers. When they have one or more of these numbers, they can ruin your credit rating or worse.

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