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subject: Dealing With The Debt - Don't Wait For Your Destiny - Make It Happen! [print this page]

To be as blunt as possible, we all know the things that we REALLY need to do to get the things we really want in life.

- getting out of debt,

- making a fortune,

- finding the ideal person,

- getting that dream job,

- setting up your own business

But we don't do what we know, we do what we're familiar and comfortable with.

Part of the problem is that we have been conditioned into believing that we can't have them.

This couldn't be further from the truth. However, nothing great was ever achieved by people who stay within their comfort zone.

And as always, the first step is the one that people often most fear taking.

Refuse to accept living in debt, and rise up to living the life you've always dreamed of.

Remember, do what you're afraid of and the money, success, partner or whatever it is that you really want will follow.

So where do I start -

1) write down the three things that you're scared of most,

2) write down 3 ways for you to overcome each of these fears,

3) do them. Write down when you're going to do them.

Mark my words, when you start to do that which you're afraid of magical things will follow.

By taking that first step, you will share the most common characteristic of people who go on to achieve incredible successes in life in all ways - the characteristic of getting started.

To your continued success, long life and great happiness!

by: Gary McGeown

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