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subject: Explode Your Online List To Make A Ton Of Extra Money! [print this page]

Explode Your Online List To Make A Ton Of Extra Money!

You have managed to get a list of subscribers from your opt-in page. Well done you already have gone down one of the most profitable routes in Internet Marketing. The next stop for you is to build on your relationship with your subscribers.

If you build on your relationship you will receive better results. In order to take, you first have to give. Looking after the interests of your subscribers is the best policy when it comes to building rapport.

Here is a simple guide that shows some of the better methods of creating trust and integrity between you and your opt-in subscribers.

1. Treat your list as your friend. The best way to comprehend this is to imagine that your subscribers are your best customers. They give you the best profits and in return you treat them better than you do your other customers.

We always have time for people that we like. Your list should be no different. They are your best friends and your best customers and if you want to get the best from your relationship you have to treat them as such.

If you don't believe me then let's think about the 'Pygmalion effect'. In essence, the Pygmalion effect is that people behave according to the expectation place upon them. If someone is expected to be an A-grade student they will be an A-grade student. If you expect your list to be your best customers and treat them as such they will be your best customers.

2. Give your list good, informative information. Give them lots of valuable freebies. I am not talking about the run-of-the-mill Ebooks which are available for ten a penny on the Internet. Give them something really valuable, something that has being of enormous benefit to you in your life. It should of course always be related to the reason why they opted in.

Don't give something that deals with the ins and outs of finance when they opted in for information on cooking recipes. It must match their interests and it must be relevant. Giving no strings attached information is a great way to build rapport between you and your subscribers.

3. When you are dealing with your list you must always be honest with them. If you spot something that you found to be ineffective and there is a reasonable chance that they may fall victim to it - tell them about it.

Remember that they are your best friends. Would you withhold information that could prevent your best friend getting a headache? Similarly, if there are good products and services on the market tell them about them.

Include your affiliate link when you are promoting products and offer them some bonuses if they use your affiliate link.

Being honest with your affiliate if the best method of cultivating a profitable following. If you stop going after the money and serve people's needs you will receive the best results. When you are creating your own opt-in list use the advice above as a roadmap to success.

by: Gary McGeown

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