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subject: Dentist San Jose CA How to Protect from Tooth Decay [print this page]

Dentist San Jose CA How to Protect from Tooth Decay

Enamel is the hard outer component that protects the exterior of your teeth as a safeguard, and it can be harmed and damaged through drinking soda, grinding your teeth, smoking, and brushing aggressively. Once this outer surface of the deep has been damaged, the teeth will become quite sensitive, and even normal behaviors, like eating, could be very painful. That is why it pays to take care in your regular oral hygiene routine so that you can prevent enamel loss to protect the health of your teeth in the long run.

The first step to take into mind is how you hold of your toothbrush when you brush your teeth. As you're brushing your teeth, it is essential to have the top of your toothbrush held against your gums at a 45 angle. In these cases, you must also softly maneuver your toothbrush in circular motions. Of course, every time that you use your toothbrush, it is also important to floss your teeth right away. Many people do not estimate the importance of flossing the teeth, but it will remove particles that have built up between the teeth that could potentially cause tooth decay.

After that, take consideration of the types of foods that you eat every single day. If you normally eat foods that harm your teeth, like candy bars and popcorn kernels, make sure reduce how often you eat those foods. It is also important never to crunch on ice cubes because they could cause your teeth to crack. Another food to steer clear from is carbonated sodas, which will wear down the outer enamel on the surface of the teeth. It is best to drink beverages that are not carbonated and have a low content of sugar to prevent the damage to the enamel on your teeth.

Although this may be a no-brainer, it is necessary to only use your teeth when eating meals. Other activities, like chewing on a pencil, tearing a tag off of clothing, or chewing on a nut shell can do more harm than you even realize to the state of your teeth. It is also necessary to stop grinding your teeth. This creates pressure that can equal to 250 pounds of pressure per square inch of your teeth. If you are someone who struggles with grinding your teeth while sleeping, you will need to consult with your dentist to get a mouth guard fitted to protect your teeth from this habit.

If you have any other health issues that could potentially cause harm to the exterior of your teeth, make sure to talk with your health professional as quickly as possible. Some stomach issues, like acid reflux, can cause issues in corroding the outer layers of the teeth if they are not treated with the proper medical procedures. To prevent long-term harm to your teeth, there are many steps that you can take to make sure that your teeth and gums remain healthy and protected! Much of this has to do with how often you choose to visit your dentist, so take the opportunity to schedule two visits per year with your dentist to protect the health of your teeth.

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