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subject: Traveling To Spain With Your Children [print this page]

Traveling To Spain With Your Children

When traveling with children in Spain with the car, you must by law they have restrained with a safety belt and small children. I mean: children under twelve years of age may not ride in the passenger seat of a car. The police will stop you and fine, if you were on the wrong side of the law are.

The sun in Spain is very intense, especially in the summer and young children should not be in it if possible. If they must be on the beach in the middle of the day, they have added high tariffs often cream sunglasses, a wide brimmed hat and light long-sleeved clothing if possible. It is very easy for children to burn, and studies have shown that have children who are exposed to a sunburn more than twice a high opinion of increases in skin cancer if they are adults. It is a parent who has sole responsibility for ensuring that their children will not burn. We have a long lunch and then go to the pool or beach much later in the afternoon when we were on vacation in Spain. Creating sunscreen is a pain, but not as strong as sunburn! Supermarkets like Tesco in the summer, everything fits in a very cheap, cut off at the knees, drop that offer complete UV coverage of these areas, and they are waterproof. They look like mini-would wear suits that divers and ideal for children, go to a lot of time to spend in the water.

There are some habits in children in Spain, which may be of interest to you. Girls in Spain have their ears pierced in a few days to have been born and it is a common practice for the children in the faith, his head shaved, it will grow more hair. I have a Spanish friend who is not enthusiastic about the idea of shaving from her daughter's beautiful head of hair. However, it is still a strong belief by the older generation. Their mother fit for a day and when they came back my friend her daughter was found soon!

With these words, the Spaniards are much more about the children we are more relaxed than in Britain. They have a strong sense of family and with most parents work, they do not feel the need to hire a babysitter for their children if they take so easily that their children wherever they go. If the children are tired the next day they have a little nap in the afternoon, their afternoon naps. This works for the Spanish children, but in my experience trying to get a child from the UK to be taking a nap in the afternoon draw like teeth.

by: Castex

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