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subject: Do You Really Want To Succeed At Online Trading? [print this page]

Do You Really Want To Succeed At Online Trading?

When asked the question, "Do you really want to succeed at Trading?", most traders will reply "Of course!"

The problem is that it's not necessarily Trading that they really want to succeed at. It's what they associate to it in their minds that they really want.

Money. Freedom. Security. Those kinds of things.

That's just fine, so long as you understand what you really want. Now, Trading may be a means to an end to achieve those things, and that's fine too.

However, it's critical to think about whether you want to succeed at Trading itself. Does the thought of being a brilliant trader give you a thrill? Can you imagine yourself spending hours, days, weeks, years studying, researching and trading the markets?

Hopefully, the answer is a big yes. If so, you can achieve all those other things too - the side benefits - in due course.

However, if the answer is no, and the side benefits are all that you really care about, then watch out. You may be setting yourself up for disaster.

Let's put it this way: I personally get no thrill out of the idea of being an accountant. So I'm really not likely to be a very good one if I was foolish enough to even try. Hence, all the side benefits that being a CPA might bring, i.e. the high salary and luxury lifestyle, will never compensate for the simple fact that I hate what I do every single day.

It's the exact same thing with Trading. You must do it primarily because you love it; because it really fascinates you. That's the only way to become really good and then enjoy all the other benefits that result from it.

And this is why so many people - more than 90% in fact - are total failures at Trading. Why? They don't really want to succeed at Trading itself. They want what it provides - the cash and the lifestyle - without really caring about the discipline itself.

Maybe next month, half of these people will go off and explore MLM opportunities when they find that Trading does not provide the fast cash that they had originally hoped for.

My point is this: get determined to be really outstanding at Trading. Truly know your chosen discipline. Spend the time it takes to master it.

Moreover, do it for its own sake - not merely for the peripheral benefits. If you are primarily motivated by the latter, you cannot then possess the focus it takes to become a Master trader. You're too busy focusing upon other things.

And if you think about this and you ARE committed to be the best, that's great. You're already well on the way to outstanding success.

The fact is that only the person who is committed to success in Trading itself will reap the huge rewards. I wish it was possible to help everyone, but you can't really help the uncommitted - the people who are here today and off chasing some other bright new opportunity tomorrow.

You need to burn for Trading Success. And be willing to do whatever it takes to get it.

The good news is, it doesn't have to be that hard. It comes easier when you know what you're doing. And you know what you're doing when you're doing what hyper-successful traders do. Hence, commit to researching and studying what super-traders do. Read books and study courses that discuss their methods. Make the absolute commitment in your mind that you are going to be one of them.

Do all of this and more, and you will succeed in Trading. Guaranteed!

by: Asoka Selvarajah

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