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subject: A Lot Of People Have Problems With Wisdom Teeth [print this page]

Many people around the world suffer from the pain and discomfort that seems to come with wisdom teeth. They can intrude on your surrounding teeth, and they can also cause jaw problems because usually there is no room for the wisdom teeth to be placed, they just erupt regardless. Wisdom teeth are the third molars, that most generally affect people between the ages of 17-25, although some may find that they do not suffer from them at all.

Wisdom teeth removal becomes vitally important is they start to impact your surrounding teeth and jaw. The can also cause problems because they try to erupt through the gum but there is no room for them, so they push on other teeth and cause serious jaw problems. Without removal of the wisdom teeth, your mouth could suffer from several problems such as bacteria growth, bleeding, decay, infection, bad breath, swelling, discomfort, cyst formation, and many more problems that cause serious discomfort. For some though wisdom teeth do not cause and problems whatsoever and there is no need for removal.

There are 3 main processes involved in the removal of wisdom teeth.

Before your wisdom teeth are due to be removed the dentist will assess your condition and what if any problems they are causing on surrounding teeth and jaw bone. This can help them determine what type of extraction and what length of time the recovery period will be.

The extraction of the wisdom tooth then requires 2 main steps.

The location of the wisdom tooth is the first part. The Dentist will first locate the wisdom tooth and determine how it shall be extracted. They will also determine how long it will take, and how much pain management will be needed during the procedure.

The dentist will then start to move towards numbing the part of the mouth where the extraction is taking place. The Dentist numbs the teeth and surrounding parts for the removal process to begin. The anaesthesia used is generally a local anaesthetic. If you feel that you will still be fearful of the treatment and that you will need more sedation, intravenous sedation is available.

After the tooth has been removed the dentist will offer you a form of pain management drugs and medication. You will also be asked to come for a check up later on to determine how well you have reacted to the treatment.

by: Dr Aggie Sun

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