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subject: A Review of the Socrates Theme [print this page]

A Review of the Socrates Theme

As an internet marketer, you know that one of your primary goals is to generate traffic to the websites through which you are selling your products and services. You probably already know of using articles, blogs, or advertising sites to send traffic to your sites. Socrates Theme is a tool that you could use for the same thing, too. The sales page for the Socrates Theme promises that you can generate hundreds of back links and site visitors if you use the product correctly. Could this be true? Well, we decided to challenge the sales copy and see if it's telling the truth, or not.

Sometimes, often maybe, many marketers will resort to less than honorable means and methods for driving traffic to their sites. These are normally called 'black hat' methods which can be very tempting to try. However, you could find your site banned from the engines if you use them and get caught. Furthermore, there could be legal repercussions if your methods are too extreme. You never really know, it could be pretty damaging to your business reputation if it's severe enough. The sales page states that all methods used with the Socrates Theme are are completely "white hat." This term is just the opposite of black hat, and just means the methods are safe and legitimate. What makes this possible is this software can solve Captcha's. Webmasters use Captcha's to make sure people, and not software, are using their sites, leaving content of any kind, etc. A Captcha is comprised of two boxes of which one has numbers and letters. Then, in the second box the user has to type what he/she sees in the first box. If all is well and the entries match-up, then it's cool and the submission is accepted. The submission will not be allowed if the entry fails to match, but you can have another opportunity to try again. And this is where the bottle-neck occurs with submitting content at different sites. This is one thing Socrates Theme can do you for you - solve Captcha's automatically.

Socrates Theme is very clean, easy to use, and clearly laid-out. No worries about accidentally submitting the wrong info. The software is preloaded with 10 submission sites.

And you have the ability to add your own sites. Users are waiting for more submission sites with future upgrades. If you need more time, you don't need a software that's tough to figure out how to use.

You know nothing will do all your work. However you can find and use tools that do make things a whole lot easier. It's possible that Socrates Theme is one if these tools. Working smarter is always a goal for any business. Anything that can help reduce time doing simple tasks is worth it.

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