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subject: Saving Money And Losing Viruses [print this page]

There are a lot of computer problems that are completely avoidable. Computers are expensive and quite an investment you should make sure that you take the time to take care of the investment that you made.

First, you should make sure that you do everything in your power to avoid getting a virus. The more time that you spend on the Internet the more likely it is that you will expose yourself to a virus.

When you are on the Internet you should make sure that you do not put yourself into vulnerable situations. You have to make sure that you do not put any personal information out there on the web.

This seems like it would be very obvious, but there are a lot of people that fall into these traps. They think that the website they are on is secure or that any type of identity theft could not happen to them.

You personal information should not be stored on your computer. Even if you make sure that you do not give it out on the Internet someone can find access to the information if it is stored on your computer.

There are a lot of viruses out there that enable a user to look through all of the information on your computer. The more that you store on your computer the more at risk you are making yourself.

If you do not have your personal information memorized and you need it consistently as you are working on the computer you can write all of the information down on a 3x5 card. Keep this 3x5 card in a discreet place nearby.

If you are not going to be changing the information or adding anything to the page you can easily have it laminated to make sure that nothing happens to it. You should not display this information even in your own computer room.

When you are on the internet you should make sure that you are not buying anything online that is not on a secure website. If you buy something on line that is not on a secure website it means that your information can be intercepted.

People will hack into website connections and wait for others to use sensitive information on the web. When your information is sent to the website someone can intercept the coded information that is sent.

You know that a website it secure if it has a "s" at the end of the "http" at the beginning of the address you know that you are safe. There are some credible websites that do not have the "s" at the end of their address.

When the website is a large website and you trust it there is room for some leniency in this rule. You should make sure that you make this a rule in your online habits and that you only deviate from this rule occasionally.

Another aspect of keeping your computer in good shape is the care of the exterior of your computer. If you damage the exterior of your computer you can seriously inhibit the way that your computer is able to function.

You should not be eating and drinking around your computer. I you are eating and drinking around your computer you can easily spill something on your computer.

One of the biggest problems with eating on or near you computer is that you can do some serious damage to your keyboard. Crumbs can get inside of your keyboard and ruin your ability to type.

If you have a laptop it is even more important that you make sure to avoid eating and drinking around your computer. When you are eating and drinking around your computer you can ruin your hard drive.

The hard drive on the laptop is very vulnerable to the food that you are eating around it. There have been many laptops that have been lost because some type of liquid was spilled on them.

Many people eat when they are working. If you know that you are going to be eating while you are working you can get a protective cover for your keyboard.

A protective cover on your keyboard will enable you to eat with a little more peace of mind. This will also prevent the everyday wear and tear that comes when you are using your computer consistently.

Keeping your computer in good condition is something that is completely plausible. The more time that you put into preventative care the less time and money you will be spending on your computer in the long run.

by: Jack Landry

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