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subject: How To Make Money In MLM Without Enrolling ANYONE Into Your Company! [print this page]

How To Make Money In MLM Without Enrolling ANYONE Into Your Company!

Making money, building your MLM Business is all about generating as many quality leads as possible and turning them into great business builders and long time customers. I have talked to many business owners who get frustrated because less than 20% of their prospects ever convert to becoming a customer or business partner. In most cases, over 90% of leads do not ever become more than a lead! This results in time wasted and money spent in most cases!

What most people, who are involved with Network Marketing don't know is that there are ways to greatly increase your income from these prospects and it doesn't involve enrolling them into your company! What it does do, however is it gives you additional streams of income, which is how most wealthy people accumulate their money!

So how do you make money from prospects who don't enroll into your company? The answer lies in the way you create leads. When you generate leads the traditional way, it can mean handing out your business cards to people you meet in public, talking to all of your friends and family about your opportunity, having meetings, sending out flyers, or buying expensive leads that end up going nowhere! These efforts are mostly ineffective, time consuming and can leave you burned out after a short time.

If you can attract prospects to you by establishing yourself as a problem solver who is trustworthy and as someone who really knows what they are talking about, many of your prospects who normally would not enroll in your company, will take advantage of a low cost way to help solve their problem! By offering a low cost product or sample within your company or an information package you will not only make a profit from many more of your prospects, but you will help someone solve a problem. This can lead to referrals from prospects who know other people that you can help as well.

As an example, you might write articles that help others get started in MLM or you might write about a way that has helped you grow your own business. When you write about something that will help others in their businesses, you establish yourself as an expert. At the bottom of your articles you can include a link to an invitation for free information on growing your business which will attract leads to you and to the low cost product you are offering! This is the way to make money from prospects who may not enroll in your business but will buy low cost services, products or information that will help them.

The key to all of this is how valuable you become to someone who needs help and by having them come to you, instead of "selling them" your products or business opportunity, you are an expert, who is helping them solve a problem. What a difference between the two ways of generating prospects! Now you have more than one stream of income as well, your affiliate product and your MLM Business!

For more detailed information and training on growing your MLM business by attracting people to you instead of you chasing them, Click here or onto the highlighted text below in the authors section of this article.

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