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subject: How To Copy What The Successful Online Marketers Do Online... [print this page]

How To Copy What The Successful Online Marketers Do Online...

If you plan to get started in online marketing as part of a bigger community of individuals working towards a common goal, then one of the most important things to look after in the relationship is your mindset.

Very often people start their home based online business with the dream of untold riches, sold to them by another unsuspecting individual who also read the same sales letter online.

There are great success stories out there from people who have built great businesses online.

I recently attended a global gathering of online business entrepreneurs where we celebrated the success of the business, admired its growth over the past 3 years and learned new ways of building and promoting and sharing its success with individuals.

Over 1400 budding visionary entrepreneurs from all over the world attended the hugely successful event.

Each person attending the event was looking for "The Secret" - the wisdom that they could copy and use for themselves. Who could blame them.

The internet is a great leveler - We all know the size of the marketplace and we all have the same resources available to us. Why then do so many online entrepreneurs fail?

As the day wore on, it became very clear as to why the successful people were successful and why the people who were struggling struggled.

1. The successful people had invested the time into the business and continued to invest the time. Too often the lure of the home based business was that it is a hobby and you can make vast sums of money from it. Thats not the way the world works. the successful people invest the time.

2. The successful people are very focussed on their business - they are disciplined and they do not allow distractions. They look at mail when the work is done, the return calls when the work is done. They. They plan their days.

3. The successful people have the right mindset but they work on it all the time. The meet with other successful people. They focus on the result and how to get there, not the reason for setback and failure.

4. The successful people are givers. All day long they gave of their time and their experience. Not one refusal to help. They understood the power of giving.

5. The successful people have and continue to cultivate their own brand - they know that ecah person buy from a person they like and consider a friend - Believe it or not - but the same is true for the internet. -

In Sarah Palin's new book "Going Rogue", she spends a lot of the time going back on her life - developing her brand from the ground up - If she decides to run again for election, she is working on her brand right now.

When you decide to embark on your dream of financial freedom, working online from the comfort of your own home. do it with the correct long term mindset that will support you all the way.

The other thing that the event focussed on was enrolling the support of your partner in life...

by: Derek O'Dwyer

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