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subject: How To Choose The Right Lawyer [print this page]

Everybody needs some legal assistance now and again, and we want to be certain that we have the best lawyer at our disposal to meet the legal, communicative and financial aspects of the case. Choose your lawyer like you would your doctor with these five important decision-making factors at the helm:

1.The First Step.

When its time to choose a lawyer, you need to have a handle on what it is precisely that you need. Not every attorney can tackle all arms of the law, so you want to select a specialist that is well-trained for your unique set of circumstances. Your first step may be a contact to a legal hotline for a referral, and then the rest is up to you to determine the best legal counsel for your situation.

2. Law School Credentials.

Most attorney's will post their law degree on the office wall, but don't be too scrutinizing about the law school he or she attended. The main issue is that the attorney passed the state bar, a feat that even JFK jr. struggled with coming out of Columbia University. Ivy league schools are great, but some of the best and most dedicated attorney's came from somewhere else. So keep your blinders on in the waiting room.

3. Attorney/Client Rapport.

When selecting an attorney, it's essential that the two of you have a good rapport with each other. You will be communicating vital facts and statistics for your case and need to be sure that he or she is responding to your verbiage. A good lawyer will ask an abundance of questions and get to the heart of the matter, so be sure that you are both comfortable with one another. In addition, you may wish to verify that this law office has enough staff to support your case with call backs and clerical workers to get answers for you. Remember that you are not the center of your lawyer's universe and that he or she will be working with a multitude of clients.

4. Communication.

Most lawyers are experts in flexing their verbal muscles, but you must be certain of his or her communication skills, especially if your case is going to trial. A good match for you is an attorney that speaks boldly, with authority and confident elocution. In defense cases, this type of attorney is essential to do fierce battle with the prosecution, yet also be likable and trustworthy enough to persuade a jury. Trials are complicated matters and a good attorney should be able to put your mind at ease at the consultation meeting with effective dialog and a plan of attack taking shape. Once you feel comfortable with your counsel, let them take the reigns and do what they tell you to do.

5. How Much?

When a desperate client is in trouble, asking for the attorney's fee is often saved for last. This is the wrong way to go about the consultation. You need to establish up-front if you can afford him or her and what the payment options will be. How much is the retainer? Does this law firm accept payments? These important questions need to be clear-up before you waste your time and leave the office feeling defeated. If you cannot afford the services, he or she may refer you to another qualified and trusted legal counsel. Keep your options opened.

by: Joe Cline

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