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subject: What Happens If I Get Pregnant After My Liposuction? Will My Results Disappear? [print this page]

What Happens If I Get Pregnant After My Liposuction?  Will My Results Disappear?

Although men are beginning to become more interested in cosmetic surgeries such as liposuction (also known as lipoplasty and suction lipectomy), women still make up the overwhelming majority of lipoplasty patients. Every year, somewhere between three and five hundred thousand Americans undergo lipoplasty. Somewhere between eighty and ninety percent of these are women.

As such, female concerns are extremely relevant to the discussion of liposuction. One question that a number of female lipoplasty patients have is, "what happens if I get pregnant after my lipoplasty?" As everyone knows, becoming pregnant causes a number of changes in a woman's body. It is rather common to gain a large amount of weight, and a number of women are worried that if they regain their weight during a pregnancy their lipoplasty results will disappear for good.

Exact answers are hard to give. After all, each pregnancy is unique. Also, each lipectomy produces unique results. Individual circumstances have an awful lot to say regarding exactly what will happen.

Weight gain after a lipoplasty can indeed cause unwanted side effects. Although a lipoplasty permanently removes fat cells from the body, if significant weight is gained, the body can create new fat cells. Sometimes these will be created in the same place as the surgery, effectively nullifying the effects of the procedure. Other times, the new fat cells develop in other places, which can result in the creation of entirely new problem areas. It can be startling to find unwanted fat deposits in places where one has never struggled with having excess weight!
What Happens If I Get Pregnant After My Liposuction?  Will My Results Disappear?

This being said, there does not seem to be anything to suggest that pregnancy related weight gain is any worse for one's lipectomy results than any other sort of weight gain. One's best bet of staying lithe and slim is to eat healthily and be as active as possible throughout one's pregnancy. One is frequently cautioned against beginning strenuous exercise regimes during one's pregnancy. However, women can frequently continue an exercise program that they began before their pregnancy. This typically causes no problem, as long as the woman is smart and does not over exert herself. Remember, it is extremely important to put the baby's health first. Having a safe and healthy baby is more important than keeping a pound or two off.

However, pregnancy associated weight gain does not seem to cause any more negative effects than regular weight gain. Your results will probably be best if you can eat healthily and be as active as possible during your pregnancy. While many doctors advise against beginning a new exercise regimen during pregnancy, women can often continue exercise programs that they are already participating in long into a pregnancy.

If you would like to undergo a lipoplasty but plan on becoming pregnant again, you will probably want to talk to your surgeon about this. Share your concerns and hopes, and the surgeon should be able to help give you any information you need.

by: Christian Heftel

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