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subject: German Beer Tour - East,West,Central [print this page]

German Beer Tour - East,West,Central

Thuringia in central Germany's most famous beer than Kostritzer Card Lite Stout, Stout said the German people will think of the brand, all of Germany's beer lovers know that this delicious dark beer. But the most famous is Thuringian sausages, it is the one of the Germany's favorite varieties, make of pig pork, pig legs and eggs, together with pepper, celery and blue sub, cinnamon and made of other condiments.Thuringian grilled sausage without specialized equipment, as long as there are barbecue pits on it. The best barbecue is in the open areas, because the sausage on the oil droplets in the hot coals, will be hopping a great smoke. Thuringia sold in the streets on the big sausage persons roasted rack of iron. In order to have a special taste of sausage and crackling, it is also used to leaching of some beeredge on the edge of grilled sausage.

German Beer Tour - East,West,Central

By: angela

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