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subject: A Serious Look At Online Gaming [print this page]

A Serious Look At Online Gaming

There are more and more kids every day who are introduced to the world of online gaming, and while it is true that there are some kids who are able to be responsible and safe with it, unfortunately there are many more that get themselves into trouble one way or another with it. The dangers of letting online gaming get out of hand are serious and can even negatively impact a child and his life for the rest of his life.

Many kids are introduced to online gaming when they are in their early teens, but many start playing before that age. Parents all too often become concerned that the games start becoming their childs main interest, out pacing physical activity, homework and time with friends and family. Parents ultimately might try to limit the gaming, and what happens often shocks them. Their children suddenly act as though they do not know how to function if they are taken out of that fictitious world. They might even become angry, upset, depressed and exhibit frustration and a lack of concern over their school work.

Many of the games that are popular are massive, multi role playing games. Kids are on servers with thousands of people and they interact with the others as they play. There are tons of levels to these games, and the kids tend to fully become absorbed in them. It seems like it isnt long before the children start to almost confuse the real world and their gaming world. Every time they open their mouths to talk it might have something to do with the game, the computer, the players and anything else related.

They begin to pass up opportunities to hang out with their friends and families and cannot wait to get home from school to get on that computer. It is not uncommon for the children to want to skip meals to continue playing so that they do not miss out on the action. It is also common for children to try to convince their parents that they are too sick to attend school some days so that they can stay home to do you guessed it that online gaming.

Pretty soon the kids could care less about their school work, drop out of activities and become more and more absorbed in their games. It becomes all they think about. They will become angry and defiant if they have to do something that takes them away, and dont be surprised either if you catch them at bedtime with the computer on instead of sleeping. As you can see, online gaming quickly becomes a multi level problem with serious complications that can affect all aspects of a childs life negatively.

by: Phoenix Delray

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