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subject: Not Getting Pregnant? - 3 Things That May Be Stopping You From Conceiving A Child [print this page]

Not Getting Pregnant? - 3 Things That May Be Stopping You From Conceiving A Child

One of the most frustrating things for a woman is attempting to have a child and finding month after month that she is not getting pregnant.

Not being able to have children is something that most women never think about until they attempt to conceive and realize that despite continuously trying they are just not getting pregnant.

Trying to get pregnant month after month with no success is very frustrating. You start wondering what's wrong with me and why am I not getting pregnant?

The key to getting pregnant is to never give up. There are many things that can make it difficult for you to conceive. You just have to figure out what they are and learn how to address them. A lot of times, making a few simple lifestyle changes can greatly improve your chances of getting pregnant.

Following are 3 simple things that may be preventing you from getting pregnant:

Knowing When You Ovulate - In order to determine the time of month you ovulate. It is important to track your periods. Most women operate on a 28 day cycle which means that you would ovulate around 14 days before your period begins. However, it's not that cut and dry for everyone. Some women may get a period every 25 days or so which means she would probably ovulate around the 11th day and for those who get a period every 34 days or so, you would more than likely ovulate around the 20th day.

Hence why it is important to track your cycles to figure out precisely when you are ovulating and have the best chance of conception.

Having Sex At The Wrong Time - One of the simplest and most overlooked reasons for not getting pregnant is simply a matter of having sex at the wrong time. Once you determine the time you ovulate. It is recommended that you begin having sex 2 days before ovulation begins and on the day you actually ovulate. You do not want to have sex everyday during this time as it will lower his sperm count.

Poor Diet - You need a healthy immune system to conceive a child. Eating a diet full of processed foods, sugar and caffeine is not helping in your quest to have a baby. Replace your unhealthy diet with things such as vegetables, fish, organic lean meats and eggs.

Eating right will boost your immune system and increase your chances of getting pregnant.

These are just a few of the numerous reasons you are not getting pregnant. To find out other possible reasons for not getting pregnant visit the resource listed below. Most women can have a child naturally without medical intervention. It just may take a little more time, patience and willingness to try different things.

by: Tina James.

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