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subject: Purchasing Salvia Divinorum [print this page]

Salvia divinorum is now getting more and more popular, not only because of its excellent properties that can heal different types of diseases but also of the great experience that you will be in, once you use it. Many researchers have now been doing their respective researches to be able to learn the extent of its capabilities in treating disorders and diseases. They say that it can be a possible cure for AIDS and Alzheimer's disease. Unlike any other drugs, salvia divinorum is not addicting.

For some herbalist, they believe that salvia divinorum can help cure and prevent diseases of the heart. They also use this herb to improve the circulation of the blood, to remove toxins from the skin that causes acne, boils and skin inflammation.

Salvia divinorum can be use in many ways, you can crush it leaves to get its juice. Once the juice is out, you can already combine it to your favorite juice, tea or even plain water, to drink. Some people prefer smoking it with the help of a regular pipe. There are even some who likes to chew its leaves, chewing can affect anyone easily and strongly. When you choose to chew the salvia, make sure that you chew it well enough until it is absorbed by the bloodstream through your mouth.

The effects of salvia, usually varies from person to person, however, the common effects of this herbs to people are dizziness, non-stop laughing, memory recollection and more. Some even say that they feel out of body experience. They also claim that they feel like they are in some other planet, there are also claims that it will make you feel that time have stopped. Though the effect is not that strong as of marijuana, but once you take more of it, it will give you that kind of affect.

Using salvia divinorum is only for people who have stable mindset and strong emotions, those who knows how to control themselves. For those who will use it for the first time, be extra careful of the dosage that you will use, it is much better if you use little dosage at first, to learn how it will affect you.

Researchers claim that these herbs are very promising; it can be a potential cure for several disorders like depression, drug addiction and stress. It can also be made as analgesic, anesthetic and antidepressant.

by: alona Rudnitsky

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