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subject: What To Look For When Purchasing Kids Picnic Tables [print this page]

What To Look For When Purchasing Kids Picnic Tables

If you're looking to outfit your back yard or are helping to plan the setup of a local playground, you may be interested in adding a picnic table or two to your landscape. Depending on the expected usage, you might decide to get a child size table instead of, or in addition to, a full-size picnic table.

Some manufacturers make both full-size picnic tables and kids picnic tables. These tables are sized for children, so the tables are shorter than their full-size counterparts. You can get some input from the kids as to the type of picnic table they would like the best.

If you're looking for outdoor tables, there are many options for kids tables, beginning with the toy-style ones that many people are familiar with. These plastic childrens picnic tables will hold up ok over the short term, but over the long term, or for hardier use, you might want to look into more of the industrial style picnic tables.

The exposure to the sun will make this colorful plastic type discolor and deteriorate over time. The plastic ones may be made from recycled materials, though, and may prove to be one of the "greener" options, if that's what you're looking for.

If you're looking for some hardier options, you can find picnic tables made of all sorts of materials, and this is the case for kids picnic tables too. There are wooden tables, some made of pine and fir, as well as sometimes being made of cedar.

You can purchase the tables partially assembled, and complete the assembly yourself. The only tool you might need is a screwdriver, and you can complete the assembly at home. The wooden style tables can be more familiar, and more traditional, as well as evoking a nostalgic feel to your park or backyard.

Another option while shopping for children tables is a coated-steel table. Some advantages of the coated-steel tables over the wooden tables include potentially longer lifespan, and bug resistance. Choosing the steel table over a wooden table also gives the added benefit of less of a chance of the table deteriorating due to wood rot.

Some styles of kids tables are handicapped-accessible as well. This is a fairly easy product to adapt to suit those needs, as all that needs to be done is leave an open side, without seating, to make it.

You can choose a table with attached or detached seating, depending on your table needs and preferences. In addition to benches for seating, you may choose a style that has individual stools for the seats. You can also choose a table that has an overhead umbrella to protect from the sun.

Be sure to consider your picnic table usage when determining whether to stick with a full size picnic table set, or to look into a child-sized set. Your kids will love having their own special spot in the yard. With their own special table, there won't be any negatives to being sent to eat at the childs picnic table.

by: Beth Guide

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