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Who is the most important member of your dental health team?

You! Even with the very best dental care, if you don't do your part, the health of your teeth and gums are at risk. Although personal dental hygiene practices differ depending on the general condition of your mouth and gums, the following four steps are crucial.

1. Brush your teeth after every meal, at least three times a day. Floss at least once a day.

2. Eat a well-balanced diet. Good nutrition helps you maintain healthy teeth.

3. Have your teeth examined and cleaned every six months or more if you have gum disease or other conditions that place you at greater risk of oral health problems.

7 health conditions your dentist may detect first

You might be surprised to know that a dentist is often the first person to spot a number of health conditions, including serious diseases like diabetes and heart disease. All told, more than 90 percent of the systemic diseases of the body are linked to symptoms in the mouth.

Red, sore, swollen gums of periodontitis (gum disease) are associated with heart disease and stroke.

Sore, pale gums indicate you may be anemic.

Bright red, spongy, inflamed gums that bleed easily can be a sign of leukemia.

Significant erosion of tooth enamel may signal of eating disorders, such as bulimia, or gastric conditions.

If air blowing on your gums makes them bleed, you may be pregnant.

Bad breath, dry mouth, bleeding gums and receding gums are often associated with diabetes.

White spots and sores that don't heal on your gums and other oral tissues can be signs of oral cancer.

by: Miami Dentist

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