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subject: Tip 7 For Children Entertainers And Parents In Dealing With Kids At Kids Parties [print this page]

Tip 7 For Children Entertainers And Parents In Dealing With Kids At Kids Parties

Often a childrens entertainer is left alone to deal with over 20 kids who are very excited to be at a clown party or a princess party at someone elses house. They may even be on a high from the food because food at childrens birthday parties tends to be sugary and processed. And then on top of all this theres the kid who wants to be the centre of attention so they try to get the kids and the kids party entertainers attention by hitting them, shouting over them and generally being disruptive. I have found that its generally a good idea to give them the attention they crave, so what I do is give them a job to do and make them my special helper. Once, I even had a quite disruptive kid fiddling with my face paints so much so that I couldnt get on with face painting. So I gave him the job of guarding my face paints from all the other kids and we chatted while he did this job and he was all sweetness and light!

Other times at Birthday Parties for Kids, at a princess birthday party or clown party, you will find that there is a toddler who fiddles with the knobs on the amp for your microphone or who gets into the childrens party entertainers bag of tricks. It can be very distracting for the childrens clown and it is easy for the energy of the performance to be dissipated as the childrens entertainer pulls said toddler out of their bag for the 20th time. I think the best solution to this is to ask one of the older kids to mind the toddler or the parent of the toddler to take them away.

by: silly sally

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