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subject: How To Make Money Online - Tips To Follow - Part 4 [print this page]

How To Make Money Online - Tips To Follow - Part 4

Keep Your Eye On The Prize

I will be totally honest with you here, making money online can be a tough uphill battle. There will be a lot of bumps in the road and you will have to learn how to maneuver around them. If you lose sight of your goals, you will quickly give up. So keep your eye on the prize. If your goal is to be able to quit your 9 to 5 in the next 6 months, keep that in the top of your mind. Whenever it gets rough just remember why you are doing this. Think about what you will feel like once you accomplish your goal.

Practice, Practice, Practice

I am sure you have heard the saying, "Practice Makes Perfect". Well its true. You usually hear this phrase when it comes to sports, but it also applies to your online business. There will be certain tasks that you will just suck at. But you have to keep practicing until you become better. Set aside time everyday to work on your article marketing, your video creation, or whatever it is you know you need to work on. The more you work on it, the better you will become.

Focus On The Reward And Not The Process

I have to say, this is one of my favorite quotes ever. I got it for success coach Mike Litman. It is the key to being successful. As I stated before, making money online can and probably will be an uphill battle. When you are first starting out you will be frustrated and confused by a lot of things. It will seem like it takes a ton of work before you see any results. And guess what? It does. Thats why you have to focus on the reward and not the process.

by: H. Miller

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