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subject: How To Make Money Online - Easy And Difficult At The Same Time [print this page]

How To Make Money Online - Easy And Difficult At The Same Time

Making money online can be easy on one hand and very difficult on the other. You see, in order to make money online you really only two things. A product and a bunch of targeted traffic. Finding a product to sell is the easy part. You can either sell an affiliate product, sell a product you created or sell products from a drop shipper. Figuring out what you want to sell might take you a little time, but it is not a difficult task by any means.

If you want to get things going quickly I would suggest you just head over to clickbank and pick one of the many products in their marketplace to promote. Now comes the difficult part. Its time to start generating traffic so you can start making sales. Traffic generation is a confusing process for a lot of people. There are many routes you can take. The route you take depends on your current financial situation. If you have a little money to spare you can invest in things such as PPC and media buys. Please make sure you understand these things before you invest. If you don't you will lose a lot of money fast.

On the other hand,if you are like most of the people starting out, you don't have a dime to put into any advertising. You need to use free traffic generating methods. These include things such as article marketing, video marketing, forums, press releases, social media and question and answer sites such as yahoo answers. All of these methods are very effective and can help you drive a ton of targeted visitors to your site. The hard part comes in when you have to continue to do these tasks day in and day out. Its very important that you set a schedule and stick to it. If you do, you will quickly be at a place where you can outsource everything and not have to worry about it.

by: H. Miller

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