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subject: Now Is The Time To Get Out Of Debt [print this page]

There are many strategies out there to help get us out of debt. There are consumer debt institutes, be careful with some of these, there are bankruptcy attorneys here in Marietta willing to help ease the load, there are many people who can help with the current problem, but the important thing is to take steps right now to stop the endless flow of mismanagement.

The fist thing to do is to stay home. If you aren't in the malls, stores, shops, furniture stores, auto stores, home improvement stores than it is easier to stop spending. If you can't see it it isn't as inciting to buy it. Cancel magazines that make you want to look younger, have more clothes, take bigger trips, have a more luxurious home. Stop buying into the more makes happiness. Because it simple isn't true. If you aren't happy with nothing you will not be happy with more. Happiness doesn't come from stuff, it comes from peace of mind, and peace of mind is impossible with tens of thousands of dollars of debt hanging over your head. Shut off the buying stations, turn off the internet of buying enticements.

Learn to be satisfied with what you have and to be grateful. This is step one towards financial freedom. I heard a quote once that I loved, "we spend all of our time buying things to impress people who never come over and get impressed." Isn't that so true. We need to reinvent the old adage of "make do or do without." we don't need everything available right now. Our parents worked a lifetime for what they have we need to pay the price of saving before spending also.

When our needs decrease only then are we on the way do financial freedom. Save for a rainy day, save for the future, save for expenditures. I was reading a book last night about Larry H. Miller, he was a self made multimillionaire. But the increase of money didn't change the way he did things or lived at all. Even when he had millions he would chid his wife about buying expensive apples at the store, until one day she had had enough and told him they could afford to buy apples.

Even with all the money in the world, he was still frugal and that is why he was so successful! Larry didn't spend it as he made it, he saved it when he made it. Stop the hemorrhage of money going out and save for a future purchase. A wise and valuable way to live life. Get out of debt and stay out of debt for peace of mind and peace in your marriage.

by: Art Gib

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