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A Trip Away From Kids

Sometimes the greatest trip isn't dependent on location, just who you are spending it with. When our children were younger we never got the chance to get-away. With a special needs child it was impossible to find someone willing to watch the kids so my husband and I went years without a get-away. Finally after about 8 years we were able to go to Tucson for a business trip. It was a weekend never to be forgotten.

We stayed at an amazing resort on a gold course. We were able to go in March when we still had feet of snow at home but Tucson was green and beautiful. Green is beauty to the eyes after months of freezing cold grey and white weather. The golf course was in full bloom, our room was amazing. Two stories with a master suite loft on the top floor. My husband had meetings during the day so I walked, shopped and just laid around and read, what a great way to spend 3 delicious days.

We found a couple of amazing restaurants, went to a movie, spend a lot of time outside and just enjoyed being together without the kids for a change. We love being with our family and have enjoyed a lot of fun trips through the years, but to have a chance to travel without them was heaven. I loved the uninterrupted reading and relaxing time.

We had one short problem on day two as we were heading into town to do a little shopping our rental car broke down but my husband being an amateur mechanics visited the local Tucson auto parts store and had us up and running in no time. We decided we could fix the car faster than calling the rental agency and waiting for them to do the job. Problem solved, we were on our way to a day of freedom and fun.

We have in the years since been able to take a few short weekend trips without the kids, we treasure these breaks and look forward to them. Most of the time we spend as a family and that is great, we enjoy it and our special needs child makes life interesting anyway. But the few treasured weekend of couple time fill our cups and make it easier to get back in the trenches of life. Our weekly date night even if it is just grabbing a hamburger and sitting at the park keeps us sane. Children are a wonderful gift but keep the marriage strong through personal time together.

by: Art Gib

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