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subject: Reasons To Hire A Workers Compensation Lawyer [print this page]

Many people ask this question. You have been injured and are receiving medical care under workers compensation. But you are not experienced with the workers comp system, so how do you know that the care you are receiving is what you need and deserve? An experienced workers compensation attorney can help you to make sure you are receiving the best medical care and doctors what you can possibly get. They can take a look at your medical care and help you to understand it better, so thats one benefit of having a lawyer on your side.

Also, a good lawyer can help you determine whether the care you are receiving is the kind of care that will put you at a point where you can at least begin to get your life back together. Anybody who has suffered serious injuries knows what I mean by the phrase putting your life back together. Your injury has made your life difficult, has taken you out of work, or has affected you in some negative way, and your main goal is to get back to at least a functioning level maybe even go back to work. So, understanding the medical aspect of your workers comp benefits is extremely important; this is one reason you should have a lawyer.

Secondly, and most importantly, it is your attorneys goal to always get your case settled for you in the best way possible, if indeed you are not happy with your current workers comp situation and are looking for a fair settlement. A lawyer can help you settle the case, can help figure out when the absolute best time is to settle, and can help you figure out where you have leverage over your employer or its insurer. Without knowledge of how the workers comp system works, youd be crazy to not hire a lawyer. When it comes to settling your case, having a lawyer is a must. A lawyer looks at your case closely in order to project into the future what potential medical costs might be, how much longer youll be on benefits, whether or not your case will be catastrophic, etc.

So you have decided that you are going to go ahead and hire a lawyer, but you still have questions. How early should I contact a lawyer? How much will it cost me?

To begin with, getting an attorney involved in your case as early as possible is really in your best interest for many reasons. For one, they can see the type of care you are receiving and help you to understand it as well. Then they can start the process of figuring out when to settle, calculating projected costs of future care and medical costs, and determining how to build leverage in your case.

As far as cost is concerned, the first thing to keep in mind is that when you hire a lawyer, it is really no skin off your back. A good workers comp attorney will not touch your weekly wage checks. So to hire a lawyer really doesnt cost you anything. Your lawyers fees are only paid if and when your case is settled, and the typical fee for your lawyer is 25% of the settlement.

All too often, folks try to settle their case without the expertise of a lawyer. I daresay that most of you, unless you are a mechanic by trade, are not going to go try and fix a car without having some professional look at it. Or, as another example, would you try to fix your own sink or fix other things in your home if you have no idea how to do it. I know I wouldnt!

Settling workers comp cases is what we do for a living, and we are very knowledgeable about how to maximize the results in your case. Remember, the benefits side of your case will be looked at, the specialized medical care will be looked at, whether social security is applicable in your case will be looked at, etc. And we look at all these factors before the case ever gets settled. So dont waste any more time hire a workers comp attorney today!

by: Jodi Ginsberg

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