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subject: Taking Back A Lawyer's Position Of Authority And Trust In The Community [print this page]

The reputation of lawyers in the public eye has been damaged over the years from poor media representation and an increase in unethical practice. Just like doctors with medical malpractice claims, a few bad apples can spoil the bushel, and it only takes one big media story to sully the reputation of a profession.

Your local area is probably full of lawyers who have horrible legal marketing and lawyer advertising that's clamoring for any and all clients to call them now. This kind of screaming lawyer advertising is what makes legal marketing look like a joke and perpetuates the bad stereotypes.

How Your Clients Find You

The local lawyer was once a respected and trusted source of advice in the community. Now most people avoid lawyers like the plague until they REALLY need one. Rather than choosing a lawyer from the phone book, most clients would prefer to find a lawyer through a friend - word of mouth is one of the greatest types of lawyer advertising available.

For those clients who don't get a personal recommendation, they turn to other legal marketing channels:

- Search engines

- Yellow Pages

- Facebook

- Lawyer directories

- Online Videos

- Blogs

- Newsletters

Standing Out From The Crowd

Your legal marketing and lawyer advertising needs to differentiate you from the stereotypical lawyer. There are two main stereotypes: the sleazy, ambulance-chaser type, and the dry, workaholic type. Your lawyer advertising needs to show your clients that there is another type altogether: the amazing, caring, personable and successful lawyer.

To stand out with your legal marketing, make it different than all the other "HIRE ME NOW" screaming ads. Your perspective client already knows they need to hire a lawyer; you need to show them why they need to hire YOU.

Offer Your Knowledge Freely

Your lawyer advertising should be offering clients more information on their case, such as your book, guide, CD set, DVD or whatever else you've produced to give your clients more information on your practice area. That step right there is establishing the fact that you care first that your clients are informed even before you begin a client-attorney relationship.

Offering free informational materials in your legal marketing also helps reinforce your reputation as a trusted source of knowledge in your legal specialization. Your clients will see this as a sign that you are a truly good lawyer who is so confident in your experience and knowledge that you're willing to freely give this knowledge to others.

Copyright (c) 2010 Benjamin Glass

by: Benjamin Glass

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