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subject: Web Design - Simple And Easy To Navigate [print this page]

Today the world has become quite exciting in terms of technology. The newest webmasters create simple designs with the help of latest techniques that can add efficiency a web programmer could have only dreamed a few years ago. There are hundreds of rubbishy websites running that have so much going on each page which web surfers feels totally swamped. Thus the mastering tools help them to keep it updated.

Dont get yourself tempted to make such obvious mistakes on the web pages such as flashing header graphics, several photographs of text, an opt in form, Google ads, Amazon ads, affiliate links and some more. No web visitors will navigate on such site and enjoy the experience. As when there are too many decisions to be made, the web masters get distracted. The real content will be utterly lost among the technology and flashy banners.

A neat and uncomplicated web design is a key to success for any business. Practicality is of utmost importance. Great website designers should focus on three basic values that are simplicity, transparency and speed. The website should be visually appealing, but easy to navigate and which can download in no longer time. You can make use of graphics which are simple, colorful and graphical text. And at any cost it should stay away from flashy animations and busy backgrounds. The background colors should be light like white, cream and light yellow and the text color can be dark blue or black so that the visitors can easily be able to read your text. Navigation should be provided with simple text links or buttons; it can be either on the top or bottom of the header of the main page of the website. You need to make sure that the text clearly indicates what the user will find after clicking on the link. Many webmasters feel that squeezing as much functionality into every page as possible is the proper approach to web design, but it is not true. You can come back with neat, clean, simple and easy to navigate design.

A neat and uncomplicated

by: vibe

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