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subject: Hidden DVR Cameras - For Home and Business Security by:Fred Rose [print this page]

Hidden DVR Cameras - For Home and Business Security  by:Fred Rose

Hidden cameras have come a long way. They were at one time available for law enforcement and government use. Now days, hidden cameras are available to everyone who may have a need to surveill an area where they suspect there is a problem.

Have you ever had a problem with your neighbor? Or how about vandalism around the outside of your house? You may have an idea who the culprit is, but you do not have positive proof. With a hidden camera, in particular the floodlight hidden dvr camera You can mount to a wall and nobody will know they are being recorded. It works just like a motion floodlight. When the culprit enters the area to be recorded, the hidden camera is motion activated. Now you have what you need to take to the authorities.

Do you own a business, any business. Do you feel you are being ripped off. Your inventory is off. You can't figure out why? Money is constantly missing and you cannot pin it on anyone? Place one of these hidden dvr cameras in the area you need to be recorded and you will catch you thief. Years ago, I was in the liqour business. I could not fiqure out why and where all the Absolut vodka was disappearing to. Only wish I had one of these hidden cameras. Turns out after months of trying to find out what happened, a low level stock clerk was taking the vodka out the back door with the garbage. The exit sign hidden camera would have been a great help.

These are only a couple of examples for the use of hidden dvr camera.

Here is some information on these cameras. With these hidden cameras you do not need to hook them up to your vcr or dvd recorder. There is a built in dvr that records to a sd card. You put the hidden camera where you want it and plug it in. Most come with motion detection area masking. If you have an area where cats, dogs or rodents roam, you do not want to record them. You can mask the lower quarter of the field of vision so it does not detect motion.

These hidden cameras are concealed in different everyday objects; exit sign, floodlight, boombox, alarm clock, wall clock to name a few.

These hidden cameras will not prevent a crime but you will have the evidence to prosecute the bad guy!

About the author is an online store for hidden cameras, home and personal security products.

Be sure to come by and by to see all that is available to you for the safety and protection of your family home and business.

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