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subject: Finding The Right Fit In Dental Care [print this page]

Anyone looking for a new dentist needs to find one that provides all services needed for a lifetime. Along with bi annual checkups, there should be cleaning and root planing provided along with tooth whitening and porcelain veneers. There is a dentist in Lincoln Park who provides these services along with all other dental services needed.

This office also provides Invisalign treatments to reposition teeth for the many people who did not get braces when they were young or are just not satisfied with their smile and feel that their teeth are crowded in some places. This treatment involved wearing of a series of plastic retainers or aligners which place pressure on your teeth and cause them to straighten. The aligners are created by computer imaging. The advantage of using these aligners is that no one is aware you are wearing them during the day and they also can be removed for eating and tooth brushing and flossing.

Tooth whitening is best done by your dentist as some of the products seen on line and in television advertisements can harm your teeth. You should also whiten teeth before having porcelain veneers installed as the veneers do not whiten teeth and therefore would not present your whitest smile possible. Along with the Invisalign procedures, you can accomplish the kind of nice smile you would want to have.

They also do crowns and caps and use tooth colored composite fillings. If you have lost a tooth, and do not want a bridge or if it is not possible to have one, they also do dental implants. And if you need to have all your teeth removed for some reason, they provide services for full dentures.

Many people do not like going to the dentist and have a real fear, so it is nice that any dentist assures that there will not be a long wait. Complete explanations of procedures help to allay fear also. There is a ceiling mounted LCD television for you to watch instead of just counting ceiling tiles while you are being worked on. This provides a distraction and helps someone to relax much more.

Their office is new, clean and comfortable, and painted in light pastel colors to also help to relax you. Before and after pictures of patients are provided for you to see the result of all these services. Ongoing education is key to providing the best service, and this dentist in Lincoln Park attends many classes.

by: Art Gib

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