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Design Awards for Durban's Art Competition

If you are looking for some art competition which you can join in and win those design awards then you'd better check what Street Scene Tours are offering for this much awaited art competition today. This is the kind of competition which professional and aspiring artists and designers want not just because of the design awards they can have but also they can get a chance to showcase their talents. So if you also want to showcase your talents and win those design awards then you'd better enter this art competition.

Whether you're a graphics magician, graffiti extraordinaire, a fine artist, fashion designer, napkin-doodler or even a closet paint by numbers wizard then this competition might help you win those amazing design awards! This art contest here in Durban could be your ultimate chance to shine and show the world your talents and win those great design awards.

In every art contest the design awards differ. Some art contests give out design awards in cash prizes, some design awards trophy or medal and certificate while other design awards give some expensive and high quality art supplies. The design awards vary from the budget of art competition itself. But whichever the design awards will be the fun and excitement it brings to the winners is immeasurable!

The design awards you will get from this art contest here in Durban will not only help you showcase your work but it will also be contributed for a good cause. Artists and designers just can't wait to have these design awards! So let me tell you something more about these design awards which you can actually win from entering the 1st Annual Interpret Durban T-shirt Competition here in Durban.
Design Awards for Durban's Art Competition

Here are the design awards you can actually get from this art competition.

Design Awards for 1st place prizes include:

A retro Holga camera worth over R1000!

Colombo Coffee Barista Course & Lunch for 4 at Corner Cafe

Street Scene Township Tour for 8 people

A Street Scene Bicycle Adventure

A Lee Jeans hamper

A trip up Skycar at Moses Mabhida

Drinks at Moyo on the pier for 4 people

Cityzen Internet Voucher and Complimentary Coffee

Design Awards for 2nd place prizes include:

Original Warren Raysdorf graffiti bag

Lunch for 2 at the Corner Cafe & Dew Water Hamper

Cityzen Internet voucher & Complimentary Coffee

Colombo Coffee Hamper

& More...

Design Awards for 3rd place prizes include:

Meal vouchers from select Durban restaurants.

These design awards are truly amazing! No wonder artists and designers are actually going crazy over this art competition because of these amazing design awards! You'd better check the official website of Street Scene Tours so you will have more details and information on how and where you can send in your entries as well as about those design awards. In there site you will also get to read the full details of the contest itself that would bring you amazing design awards!
Design Awards for Durban's Art Competition

So what are you waiting for? Come and join these much awaited art competition here in Durban and showcases your art work to the world and win those design awards. Who knows you might not only win those design awards but you might even have your own exhibit someday because of this competition!

For more information get the full colorful details about this competition at

Design Awards for Durban's Art Competition

By: Daryll Ward

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