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9 rules of travel to Italy

Tourist trip to Italy is a sacred dream of many travelers. Unique architectural monuments, the sun and the sea made this country one of the most prestigious holiday destinations. There are a lot of tourists wishing to stay, as they say in Italian clothing among the visitors to Italy, that is not simply to wander through museums, art galleries and shops, but spend one day as Italians would normally spend. To do this you should use several simple rules. Rule 1. If you see a couple in a restaurant having dinner about five o'clock, you should know that these are (ie, not Italians). Inhabitants of Italy have dinner much later, about 9 o'clock. So those who wish to be among the "natives" during the dinner will have to defeat hunger and wait for the night. Anyway you'd better order a table in a restaurant in advance. Rule 2. Regarding the choice of dishes for dinner. Do not order ketchup for brand spaghetti! Seasoning to this dish is called sauce, and the name "ketchup" is perceived as an insult! Dessert is served immediately after fruit, this trifle is also advised to consider. Rule 3. Even if you have legs like a model has, we recommend to wear a long skirt, going on a trip in the Italian churches. One cannot say that there are special requirements for clothes in Italy, but it is not recommended to go to museums in beach attire. Rule 4. Do not try to deceive the inspectors, always and everywhere compost your ticket. Otherwise, you may not only find yourself in an unpleasant situation, but also not get to the planned excursion. Rule 5. In Italy as a rule tip is usually already included in a bill, so do not try to leave some small change in excess of the amount requested. Rule 6. Going on a trip to geothermal springs do not wear silver jewelry, it can darken and deteriorate because of the water. Rule 7. Most museums, churches and shops do not work during the afternoon siesta from 2 to 5 pm. But there are the most interesting programs on TV at this time in many cities of Italy. Rule 8. Try not to sit at tables in Italian bars. Having a snack at the bar, you will half of the same order. Rule 9. Before the trip try to learn a few phrases in Italian, it will prepossess to you not only staff, but also ordinary citizens.

9 rules of travel to Italy

By: anna_lev

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