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Buying Jewellery Online

Buying a ring for someone special can be a tough and stressful experience. You will most likely be spending a fair amount of money and probably can't afford to waste this on the wrong thing. Added to this, the gift is probably meant to be a surprise which means you can only pick up on hints that may have been dropped in the past. In this situation, you can't really ask 'what ring would you like honey'?! Another cause of great stress is buying a ring of the correct size. How do us men even begin to find out this crucial bit of information without giving the game away?

The Benefits It's these worries that often put people off buying a ring, or any other jewellery gift online. If you're brave enough to start making the purchase online, you'll find a whole host of benefits available to you. The first being, you don't have to barge through crowds of people whilst you negotiate you're way through a busy high street travelling from shop to shop on a busy Saturday afternoon. Neither will you need to find a place to park your car! Besides this, you will have so much choice available to you, you should be able to find that perfect design that you know will be loved forever. When you've set your mind on what kind of jewellery you want, start with an online search to see what's available. Try and think of words such as 'contemporary jewellery', 'handcrafted jewellery' or maybe think along the lines of the materials used e.g; 'silver jewellery' or 'platinum rings'. The internet also offers you the chance to purchase jewellery directly from artists. This can give a gift a really good personal touch, and also gives you the opportunity to find out how the jewellery was created.

Things To Look Out For Once you have found an online jewellery store that you like, the first thing to check out is how they receive payments. It is vital when shopping for anything online that you pay your money to the seller via a trusted method. Included could be services such as 'Pay Pal', World Pay' or 'Google Checkout'. There are other services available, but if you're not sure...just take a look! The next thing you really need to think about is the return policy the online merchant offers their customers. Any merchant who is selling good quality products should offer a fair returns policy. After all, it's quite a challenge getting the ring size right, and not everyone manages to do this. As a rough guide, the policy offered online should be just as fair as a policy offered in a physical shop outlet. The only added complication from selling products via the internet is the postal service; who is responsible for any damage caused in transit? How is liable to pay the cost of shipping in the case of a return? Check this out before you purchase anything and it could save you problems in the future. The main advice here is to just go with your instincts. If something doesn't feel right, just walk away. Another online shop is ready to recieve your business only a few clicks away.

by: Kirsten Hendrich

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